I had decided to put the shock paddles on ARMA 2 to play a little EPOCH and DayZ Lingor with the crew and it seems my system doesn't want to go retro. What is happening is the scroll wheel menu that you use to switch weapons, get in vehicles, initiate actions such as opening a door, reload specific ammo types, etc... stops working after 5-10 minutes of game play. Everything else works fine.

I have tried to narrow it down to something occurring in game that may be triggering the failure to occur but can not make any association, it seems to be completely random as to when it decides to fail. I even wen to the extreme of deleting all my ARMA 2 folders (on a secondary drive) and reloading Windows with no impact on the issue. I have one last thought to try which is connect a second mouse with no custom drivers loaded and see if it has the same issue. I feel that it will work....

Now, if the vanilla mouse has no issues then great, it only proves that the game is getting disconnected from the mouse wheel for some reason using manufacturer drivers. I use the Logitech G19 keyboard with a Logitech G9 mouse which use the same driver suite to removing one will likely cause the other to not work.

Has anyone had this issue before and if so what did you do to resolve?

**worth noting, I only noticed this issue after playing ARMA 2 on Win 8.1. I never had the issue under Win 7 and I don't think it occurred while I was on Win 8.