• How to manage your clan permission groups

    Fuck this-tpg_logo_16x9-png
    This is a quick write up on how you can manage who has access to your clan permission groups. This controls who has access to your private clan discussion forums.

    Start at the TPG main page and go to the upper right corner to "Settings".

    Once in settings, go down on the right hand side to "Permission Groups"

    This will bring up a list of all the groups you are listed as a leader.

    Click "List Members"

    This will list all the current members of the group. To remove a user from the group, scroll all the way to the right and you'll find a check box. Check the check box and then scroll down to the bottom of the list and click "Remove Specified User(s)"

    Caveat: You cannot remove anyone who is listed as a leader from the group. You must submit a request to the "Fix the Site" thread to have them removed as a leader. In addition, if there's anyone listed in your group that is not listed as a leader, and does not have a check box for removal, you must also submit this to "Fix the Site" for resolution by a web admin.

    To add someone to your clan permissions, have the user follow the same route. Settings -> Permission Groups. There will be a list of groups they can join.

    They click the radio button next to "Join Group" and then scroll down and click the "Join Group" button.

    Once they've done that, any of the leaders can go back into Permission Groups and you'll see something like this:

    Click Review Join Requests.

    From here you can Accept, Decline or Ignore. The difference between Decline and Ignore is that Decline informs the user of your decision.
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. fly351's Avatar
      fly351 -
      These pictures aren't working. :-/