• TACTICS: Armor

    How to effectively include armor in a ground squad's combat operations and movement.

    So, you just got hold of a tank and you're all excited to go blast away all of the foolish opfor grunts. What you need to recognize is that while your tank may be potent with it's main cannon and it's turret machine gun, it is NOTHING but a rolling fireball without infantry -- and when I say infantry, I'm not talking about just engineers, I mean INFANTRY.

    How you support your squad:
    • As a tanker, your primary goal is to engage other armor, which will save the rest of your squad from having to deal with it.
    • If there's no hostile armor present then you can have a field day eliminating the enemy infantry at your position.
    • Your tank's bulk will also provide cover for your squad from enemy fire when you're moving across the map; you can serve as a sort of mobile bunker.
    • Ideally, you will be playing as medic, support, or possibly engineer to help keep your squad at full combat readiness while you're driving alongside them.

    How your squad supports you:
    • You can get repair support; two engineers is ideal. They'll be able to get behind you and repair in the midst of an armor to armor fire fight.
    • Your squad can provide a turret gunner to help with target acquisition and to deal with pesky infantry.
    • Your squad mates can spot targets for you and provide even more assistance with target acquisition.
    • Infantry will keep anti-tank troops at bay by engaging them. You shouldn't have to worry about spec-ops planting C4 on you.
    • Your tank can't fit into an alleyway. Thus, you can't engage the infantry hiding there. Fortunately, you'll be right with your squad, and they can deal with any threats from that quarter.
    • Your squad can tell you when there are mines right next to you and whether or not it's safe to move.

    Armor movement:
    • Recognize that your tank, while it may be fast, must NEVER go faster than the slowest man can run. If you rush ahead of your squad, you're depriving them of your firepower, cover, and either healing or ammo if you're playing the proper kit. Another problem with leaving your squad in the dust is that you're loosing the benefit of having them on the ground next to you repairing and taking out the AT infantry that are going to turn you into a pile of scrap metal otherwise. That is a loose-loose situation right there folks.
    • Along a similar line: NEVER JAM ON THE GAS. I don't give a damn how threatening that enemy APC looks. Remember, the stakes here are greater than just you. If you die your squad will loose much of it's ability to combat armor, cover from enemy fire, and the sheer destructive power of your tank. Have faith in your engineers, don't leave them all in the open with a hungry APC.
    • You also shouldn't leave that big target sitting still too long. You don't want to have an arty strike or an air strike called down upon you and your squad's position because you decided that this was a really good position to camp the enemy from.
    • If your squad has several pieces of armor, move in a column. Remember to have the front and sides of the column covered so that nothing will take you by surprise. You should also make sure you have enough spacing; it just won't do to have you all wiped out with a single air strike.
    • Your main gun should almost always be facing outward to engage other vehicles. That means looking down the street, because last time I checked enemy vehicles don't fit down alleyways.
    • If you're in an APC, you can also provide transport to your squad over a large distance, provided that you won't come into contact with hostiles.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: TACTICS: Armor started by capnemo314 View original post