• Why You Should be a Resident Clan

    Going Live-tpg_logo_16x9-png
    TeamPlayer Gaming hosts 23 different clans. None of which are completely alike. Some of the clans here are completely dedicated to one game, some are dedicated to none, and play them all. There is something for everyone here at TPG. This article is going to touch on everything you need to know, and why you want to become a resident clan. Believe me, after spending the last year of my gaming life here it would be very hard to survive on the "outside".

    Web Site Benefits
    TeamPlayerGaming.com is a great way to keep your clan organized. When you become a resident clan you are given a message board for general things such as recruitment applications, challenges from other clans and well anything you want pretty much. It is a great way to promote your clan by showing your roster, having screenshot section for epic moments in clan history and posting up certain criteria for people interested in joining. Upon your acceptance to TPG you are also given a private message board. This board is for more serious business, such as strategy discussion and new recruit voting. This board is private to you and your clan, no one else has access to it. You are also given three moderators, whom police your message boards and are able to run the match servers for every game we host here at TPG. With the move to the new site, clans are also able to have "Clan Pages", another public space to advertise your clan through image posting and discussions.

    Game Benefits
    TeamPlayer Gaming hosts servers of all kinds. You can find the IP address for each of the servers through the "Server" drop-down menue at the top. When you are a resident clan at TPG the game servers are a great place to brush up on your skills. We have a SOLID group of regulars that play on each of the servers and their skills will most definitely keep you on your toes. Being a TPG resident clan you can challenge clans that come through the servers and it is easy to organize and schedule with your very own forums! The servers here have a reputation, and that reputation brings in all kinds of great players and clans. This is where you want to be while building / bettering / and actively scrimming with your clan.

    Recruitment Benefits
    Do you need more skilled players in your clan? Besides finding great players on our public servers we also make it very easy for people to apply and for you to actively recruit new players. There are new users registering here every day, there are new and veteran users applying for clan-ship everyday also! This is a great place to build off of your foundation. We only accept team orientated players, and what better for a clan than already committed team players?

    Are you looking for some good matches? How about a tournament here and there? There are regular matches between all of the clans here. Do you want to challenge any of the clans you see? All you have to do is ask! Most of the clans here will gladly oblige. All that is left is to set a time and a date. Say you are gearing up for a new league, this is a great place to find scrims with a varied group of other clans. Some of which are also in league play. We also have game specific tournaments, single player skills tournaments, and over team tournaments. Its a fun way to get into matches also. Whether you are doing it for pure fun or if you are doing it competitively its all here. On occasion there are also PUG teams that get together consisting of regulars and clan members. The skill level of all of the clans will keep you and your team working hard to excel and working hard to win.

    "Hey -=BIGTEX=- are you guys MAN enough to challenge us?" We are all friends here, but that is not to say there aren't rivalries. Everyone talks a little bit of trash and everyone has to deal with cleaning up the trash. It's great fun to be part of a team here. Besides posting on other peoples clan boards to challenge them, there is also a lot of joking and funny things that happen around here. All of the clans love to play hard and to laugh hard. We take the matches seriously, but as soon as they are over everyone loves to laugh about that random headshot, or that sniper that kept killing the cloaked spy. Go check out some of the clan forums and read the hilarity that is the camaraderie here at TPG.

    How To

    (Original article by gonzo0100, updated for TPG by Walkerxes)
    Comments 2 Comments
    1. Walkerxes's Avatar
      Walkerxes -
      While this was an older article being moved from the old TTP site, I thought it was relevant enough to spruce up for TPG and republish as a new article.
    1. Alundil's Avatar
      Alundil -
      Thankee Walker (and Gonzo)