• The Art of War: J10 Chapter

    If you’ve sat behind the controls of the J10 in BF2, you’ve likely discovered what a raging overpowered dog fighter it can be. If you've turned your cross-hairs towards ground targets, you’ve likely discovered what a bitch it is to take down armor. In real life the J10 is designed as an air to air combat vehicle. The developers reflected this reality and designed the J10 to work great in the air but poorly on the ground targets.

    The main reason the J10 is held back against ground targets is the position of its bombs. The J10 has its left and right bomb fixed far apart on the mid-section of the wings. When released, this translates to the bombs landing far apart from each other. The second issue is open to debate, but many believe that there is an increase in release time between the first and second bomb. Basically, the J10 drops one bomb, holds for a split second then releases the second bomb. The combination of those to issues translates to the J10 dropping its first bomb behind and to the right of the target, while the other lands in front and to the left.

    The Euro fighter requires a special move to get an accurate bombing strike. [Link below]
    The Typhoon Euro fighter is designed similar to the J10. This, similar design means you are going to need to pull a trick to get your J10 bombs to be accurate. The trick to getting the Euro fighter to bomb accurately is to roll the jet on its right side after hitting the release button. This move changes the trajectory of the second bomb and lines it up directly behind the first bomb, rather than to the left of the first bomb.

    The J10 requires a similar move to the Euro fighter. You must roll the jet, placing your right wing pointing upwards, and your left wing down towards the ground. This is not Star Fox, so if you hear a voice screaming “Do a barrel roll!” STOP! You only want to dip the wings, you don’t want to complete a barrel roll.

    Now, there is a second step for the J10. The fist step will line up both bombs on the X axis. You still need to solve the problem of the release delay. For those who do not remember physics class, if you release two objects from a plane while it is in motion, the vectors of the two objects will be offset. Simply, because you are releasing the bombs at different times, and your jet is moving roughly 1400 meters per second, your bombs are going to land in different position on the Y axis.

    The way you fix the issue along the Y axis is the technique I first exposed to folks with my first article. I call this move a 'tail flick'. All you do is dip the nose of the jet right after you hit the release button. For the F35, Mig 29, and F18, they simply require the dip to be accurate, but for the J10 you are going to need to roll and dip at the same time. This will be difficult and requires practice.

    Here is a video where I demonstrate a first person view of what the dip looks like from inside the cockpit. I performed a fly by of the target area to prove that the tanks I am bombing are brand new tanks with full health.

    The move happens rather fast, and it's difficult to notice the dip but I assure you, the dip is taking place. Notice the cross hairs as I perform the roll, and you will see how far you have to roll.

    Practice this move with fixed targets. Choppers on a heli-pad are useful because they have a large grey square to see the target from a distance, and there is often plenty of room for you to fly in close.

    You will also need to practice your release altitude. The video makes it difficult to tell the exact point where I release the bombs because the sound is not linked perfectly with the video. The rough height is an altitude of about 100 to 120. However, I don’t fly staring at the indicators. Over time I have developed an eye for the proper time to release. You too, will need to learn how to judge a target's distance and which direction your target is heading. Only then will you know where to drop the bombs. This information will help you hit a point accurately, but it does not matter how accurate you are at hitting that point if the enemy isn’t there.

    This brings me to my next tip: aiming. With these moves for the J10, you will need to line up your target in a certain position. This point is different than the one I show in my general BF2 bombing article. [Link below]

    This images shows exactly where you will need to aim for.

    Everything I have explained here is going to take time to perfect. Having this knowledge does not make you automatically great; this is simply the path to great bombing.

    So read, understand, practice, perfect, and keep fearing the sky.

    (some links will not be avaialable until past articles have been migrated)
    BF2 Bombing

    This article was originally published in forum thread: The Art of War: J10 Chapter started by SovietDooM View original post
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. Miami Yankee Sniper's Avatar
      Miami Yankee Sniper -
      JUST AMAZING WORK.... Congratulations!