• Roundtable 5: BOOM! Headshot.

    The experts discuss the tricks and tools of the trade for the Sniper - and, of course, the never ending debate on the Huntsman vs the Rifle. At the Break, Watsyurdeal gets Freud-pwned while on the phone with dustyCALIBER.
    Host: Watsyurdeal?
    Guests: Pimp Trizkit, Thorsen, Cheshire Cat, FragRaptor

    Featured music - Break: Absorber of Minds, by Oozish
    Outro (Sentinel) by Oozish
    Comments 5 Comments
    1. dustyCALIBER's Avatar
      dustyCALIBER -
      Hey "BABE" .. lol great job on the mini cast !!
    1. Mr.Expendable's Avatar
      Mr.Expendable -
      Awesome! Listening now.
    1. FragRaptor's Avatar
      FragRaptor -
      Is it just me or was it only 12:00 minutes long?
    1. Walkerxes's Avatar
      Walkerxes -
      It is just you. Stop using Chrome, or right click and Save Target As and save it to your PC, then listen to it with winamp, windows media player or some other mp3 playing software.
    1. Watsyurdeal?'s Avatar
      Watsyurdeal? -
      Quote Originally Posted by dustyCALIBER View Post
      Hey "BABE" .. lol great job on the mini cast !!

      Not my finest moment, but still, thank you