• Battlefield Bad Company 2 is Back!

    Battlefield Bad Company 2
    is back at TPG!

    But that's not all! We've added a public TeamSpeak server. Please encourage all the pubbers and regs alike to join and use their mics!

    Let's get this server primed and rocking. Promote the team play tenet that is the core of TeamPlayerGaming!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: It's Back! started by WileECyte View original post
    Comments 3 Comments
    1. magickspell's Avatar
      magickspell -
      OK soo I am new here, and just be practicing here, hopefully I get better, I am not doing good here but I know I will get better. Sorry If I shoot you there accidently.
    1. Pint's Avatar
      Pint -
      Great game sucks that I did not find out about it till like last week. :P
    1. PuppyF4RT's Avatar
      PuppyF4RT -
      Just happened to peek at the site. Logging on now