• Introducing TeamPlayer SHOUTcast

    RSS FEED-shoutcast-gifYour very own members of TeamPlayerGaming are proud to bring you what they hope to be the first in a very long succession of SHOUTcasts.

    For our trial run, we SHOUTcasted a game of L4D, with CivilWars as the camera man, and Mr_Blonde_Ops and BigTymer the comentators.

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    They can't do it without your help, however. Any and all feedback is welcome. You can find all further recorded feeds on TPG's official Twitch.TV channel. All live shows will be announced via Twitter and recordings will also be posted on our YouTube Channel.

    Stay tuned!
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. FragRaptor's Avatar
      FragRaptor -
      FYI it is a twitch.tv channel
    1. CivilWars's Avatar
      CivilWars -
      Isn't that what it says?
    1. Shenanigans's Avatar
      Shenanigans -
      The ad plays and then it displays a message that I should purchase a JustinTV pro account LAME! How do I watch this?
    1. CivilWars's Avatar
      CivilWars -
      Just click the video. Because it is HD it takes a bit to DL, especially if you have slower internet. For me, and I have about 30MB DL fiber, I wait about 30 seconds or so for it to load.