• TPG Has a DayZ Server!!

    Play time-tpg_logo_16x9-pngJust making sure that all are aware that TPG is now hosting a DayZ server. Please get in there and help support this new venture.

    We realize that there are many different flavors of DayZ but we are asking that our regulars populate and play on our server so that we can bring in new users. As things progress we can add additional servers and try to have something for everyone.

    Thanks for you support.

    Just search for TeamPlayerGaming in DayZ commander.

    This article was originally published in forum thread: TPG Has a DayZ Server!! started by Nuckle View original post
    Comments 9 Comments
    1. CivilWars's Avatar
      CivilWars -
      If I join will you guys be nice to me, and hold my hand? I am a bambi.
    1. SmokenScion's Avatar
      SmokenScion -
      Quote Originally Posted by CivilWars View Post
      If I join will you guys be nice to me, and hold my hand? I am a bambi.
      We have many players that are skilled in the arts of "What the fuck do I do."
      Lazarus just started as well, First off, I'd suggest Youtubing "DayZ Inventory Management"
      A good Idea is play around in the Armory of Arma2, drive around, shoot some stuff.
    1. SourceSkills's Avatar
      SourceSkills -
    1. Howlin Mad Murphy's Avatar
      Howlin Mad Murphy -
    1. salty99's Avatar
      salty99 -
      Quote Originally Posted by CivilWars View Post
      If I join will you guys be nice to me, and hold my hand? I am a bambi.
      Hop down to world of tanks platoon 8 in the tpg ts where us SST lurk, we'll show you a good time

      Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
    1. maximusboomus's Avatar
      maximusboomus -
      Quote Originally Posted by CivilWars View Post
      If I join will you guys be nice to me, and hold my hand? I am a bambi.
      Looks like I'm gunna go Bambi huntin!
    1. CivilWars's Avatar
      CivilWars -
      Where is the love it button?
    1. zaf's Avatar
      zaf -

      steam ID 0:1:7010365
    1. DJ Ms. White's Avatar
      DJ Ms. White -
      Quote Originally Posted by zaf View Post

      steam ID 0:1:7010365
      Head to the day z forum. Info to join is there.

      Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2