• TeamPlayer Gaming August update

    Greetings from your friends at TeamPlayer Gaming,

    Our goal with this newsletter is to keep you up to date on the topics of interest at TPG. We just wrapped up our annual visit to QuakeCon in Dallas, and a great time was had by all. If you didn't make it you were missed, and if you want to see what you missed you can visit the official photos topic.

    In breaking news Bohemia Interactive announced that they will officially launch the full release of ARMA III on September 12th. This is great news for many TPG players as we currently host two of the top ranked ARMA III servers in the world. Many say that ARMA III is the true sequel to BF2, so if you are looking for a new FPS to play check it out.

    Speaking of BF2 the fine folks over at Reality Mod have recently announced the release of PR 1.0. PR is a mod of BF2 that takes the game from arcade mode to real life. It is a free mod you can download from their website as long as you have BF2, and rumor has it that the game could make another appearance on a TPG server near you.

    We also have a special announcement for those who have the DLC for BF3, but are tired of going to the vast wasteland of unknown servers to play it. From time to time we will be running a DLC Day, so you can get your fix on TPG. Who knows, maybe if we can keep the server populated on DLC Days it could become a more regular or permanent thing.

    Stay tuned for next month's update, and we hope to see you on a server or the forums soon.