• Penclic Mouse review, by Rick Moscatello

    update the server quickly-img_0400_wireless_low_wbg-1-jpg

    I have both a desktop, and a laptop computer. Thing is, I actually use my laptop on my lap. While there is a mousepad, it doesn’t always do the job (especially with those games where the designers insist on using the mousewheel with no keyboard analogue).

    I can pull a table over, plug in a wireless mouse, but it’s unsatisfactory. My arm hangs out over where the table is, I need to clear a big space on the table just for the mouse (and it’s the same space where my drink goes, so spills happen when I use the mouse). Like most hard core gamers, I have a bit of carpal tunnel syndrome, and the funny angle and constrained space do my wrist no good, I promise you.

    So I’m always interested in a new version of a mouse, especially one with a convenient mousewheel. I’ve tried a few, they’re always complicated, don’t feel right, and, bottom line, don’t really solve the problem.

    Penclic is the first new mouse design that gets the job done.

    At first glance, it seems complicated, but it’s not. The big “pen” attachment on top is basically just something to hang onto. The base works just like a mouse, just with a much smaller footprint.

    The only real issue is the “left click” button is on the right side of the pen—you’re still using the same finger, it’s just now on a different side. You get over it quickly enough (same finger, after all) and adapting to using your thumb for right clicks isn’t so bad (it seems most games use left clicking for speed anyway).

    A second issue, a minor one, is the USB receiver is a little large. I can’t help but worry about snapping it off or something, so I can’t keep it plugged in (like I do with smaller receivers). But, hey, as long you don’t play football with your laptop, it probably won’t be a concern.

    Bottom line, if you’re looking for a new kind of mouse, one that gives your wrist a rest, check Penclic out. It’s a bit pricier than similar models, but it’ll probably be the answer for you.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Penclic Mouse review, by Rick Moscatello started by Doom View original post