• Podcast

    Site running slow??-podcast_square_bevel_icon_new-png
    Published on 12-26-10 06:46 AM  Number of Views: 2098 
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    Howlin, Walker, Dex, Graverunner, Andy, Imisnew and Watsyurdeal talk about the games of 2010, and new releases slated to come out in 2011, as well as other various site and game updates.
    Segment 1: News - New releases of 2011 (Brink, Homefront, Ghost Recon, and more), BC2 back at TPG, Minecraft Beta releases, TF2 MannStore, and Windows 8 (the "gaming" OS??).
    Segment 2: The Games of 2010 - BC2:Viet Nam, Fallout: New Vegas, Final Fantasy, Worms Reloaded, and more.
    Segment 3: End of the year on Steam - Steam's end of the year madness sales and some of our must-buy recommendations!
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    Play time-minicast_square_bevel_icon_new1-png
    Published on 09-01-10 05:25 PM  Number of Views: 3488 
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    Walker and Dex get an interview with James Hildebrandt, head of Psyko Audio, and creator of the Psyko 5.1 PC Gaming Headsets. Hear about the tech, the inspiration behind it, and just why James felt the need for what we hear to match and improve upon what we see in gaming. Imisnew2 joins us to give new insights into what he's discovered as a user of the headset. If you love state-of-the art gear, you won't want to miss this.
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    Article Preview
    Published on 08-30-10 05:10 PM  Number of Views: 2048 
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    Howlin, Walker, Dex, and Graverunner talk to BIGAG and Kibner about what went down at QuakeCon 2010 and what we learned in the process. Perhaps it's time for QuakeCon to step it up and let TPG show them how a real tournament is run.
    Segment 1: News - Portal 2, Brink, Rage, and Worms Reloaded.
    Segment 2: The Aftermath- What we saw, what we'd like to see... and how did they f*&k up the tournaments this year?
    Segment 3: Howlin Rants - QC screw ups, and Digital Rights Management.

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    Early opinions...-podcast_square_bevel_icon_new-png
    Published on 08-16-10 01:43 PM  Number of Views: 2379 
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    TeamPlayer Podcast couldn't very well go to QuakeCon 2010 and not bring you at least some of the action as it happened, right? Of course not! So here it is, some of what we did while we were there meeting some of the great folks from TPG, and others.

    Segment 1: Howlin, Walker, Dusty, Dex, IcecolFire and Loki have a little roundtable
    Segment 2a: Walker interviews Sarah
    Segment 2b: Walker brings you a taste of what it's like when TPGer's hang out.
    Segment 3: Back at the BYOC with Walker, Howlin, Iravedic, Dex and Flame

    Pre-segment Hosts: Walker, Howlin
    Special Guest: Sarah Munger. Check her and her music out at www.SarahMunger.com or on iTunes
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    Published on 07-26-10 07:18 AM  Number of Views: 1933 
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    Howlin, Walker, Dusty, Andy, and Dex are back together for the first time since our move to TPG, and the hijinks ensue. The TeamPlayer Podcast crew prank eachother, and others... oh yeah, we talk about games too, lots and lots of games. PS. We love you Tractorpull!
    Segment 1: News - Starcraft 2 and Quakecon loom close, and other news.
    Segment 2: Games, Games, Games! - TF2 Engi update, Alien Swarm and more.
    Segment 3: Howlin Rants (Gaming Pet Peeves) - The pissoffs and annoyances in gaming.

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    Questions Odawgg-css_icon-1-png
    Published on 06-15-10 11:57 AM  Number of Views: 4671 
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    Counter Strike Roundtable
    (Forthcoming, stay tuned) ...
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    Questions Odawgg-minicast_square_bevel_icon_new1-png
    Published on 06-15-10 06:41 AM  Number of Views: 1745 
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    2. Podcast

    Check out our previous Minicasts!
    (from newest to oldest)

    10: Going Psyko - Walker and Dex talk to Imisnew, and the head of Psyko Audio about the Psyko 5.1 surround sound headset.
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