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Thread: Selective AWP banning

  1. Registered TeamPlayer Toker's Avatar
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    Gamertag: Mr ARIZ0NA Steam ID: tokerskillz Toker's Originid: ARlZ0NA

    Re: Selective AWP banning

    Quote Originally Posted by R2kAce
    Limiting the AWPs/AUTOs works in my opinion. Yeah, if someone has an awp, i'm sure they would want to camp a bit more than usual, but the admins on the server seem to keep everyone in check when it comes to camping, so I don't see a problem with having them limited.

    There is a certain set of "understood rules," such as the winning teams aren't allowed to awp, I certainly don't agree w/ this. If you are on the losing team and awping, you should be able to get a taste of your own medicine. If you think that the awp should be banned, and a vote goes up...that sucks. Lets say its Aztec, CTs winning by a large margin. If you have a few CTs wrecking the Ts w/ awps, switch those CTs to T and let them help out the losing team.

    It's really hard to get evidence of anything unless you are recording a demo everytime you play. Its hard to go to spec and try to get evidence on someone that you suspect is an admin that is breaking a rule or abusing powers. They immediatley tell you to join or be kicked. And recently I found out about a rule that admins can't awp, I don't know how long it's been in effect, but I've seen admins use them, and they are NOT just picked up from the other team, or a dead body. They've also said that Admins can use them, but cant buy them, does this mean they could have someone is spawn buy if for them?? "Yo, NEWGUY, buy me and AWP. Sincerely, Anonymous Admin." I've seen it. I remember Awping and admin down on Office, next round the admin has an awp, so obviously he didn't pick it up from a dead body... But, I don't care for awps being used, I like playing against them. When you get killed by an awp, teaches you not to be a dumbass and run around like a chicken w/ its head cut off. Learn your angles, hiding spots, and work on your aim, oh, and here's a good one, Communicate w/ your team, let them know if you see/hear an awper, helps the team out a hell of alot more.

    All in all, I feel your pain on the awpvote Oni, lots of times when someone that is good with the awp gets consecutive kills, the awpvote comes up.
    Coming from a do0d who's second best gun is the awp. Oh the irony!

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    Re: Selective AWP banning

    Another AWP thread that's like a dog chasing its tail... This has all been discussed before and the reasons for arriving at the decisions TTP have regarding the AWP have been thoroughly debated. All you have to do is a little re"search" in the forms to find that out.

    Why say it all again when it has all been said before? So, instead... here are a few quotes from BD, and some links at the bottom so that you can view the debates in their entirety until your hearts content.

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    "it's part of the game".....

    I have made some good speeches about that comment.

    "it's part of the game" huh?

    Well, so is friendly fire, havana, hacks, dick heads, and CAL-clan whoring. Should we go ahead and endorse those things too?

    How about low grav, and slow motion? How about everyone runs backwards when they press forwards? How about scouts and knivez only?

    The game is what WE decide it to be. Not how it's made. We're the server, we're the players, we're the community, we're the admins. We vote, we decide.

    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    my personal rule/standard is.....after I see about 4 or 5 deaths due to an awp, regardless of what team it's on, I put up the vote. Some maps, maybe even sooner.

    Some admins might be less attentive....or they might be more tolerant of the awps.

    but no admin is allowed to ignore an "awp vote" request. If you make a request, and an admin does it....and let us handle it.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    even then, this post is locked. YOu guys haven't brought up anything, at all, that hasn't been discussed as nauseum.

    Go find the awp threads, which will answer why the votes can not be criticized, why "limiting the awp" to 1 or 2 per team is impractical and unfair, and why the awp, truly, and undeniably, is a stupid, stupid weapon.

    Part of the game, yes. As realistic and fair as others, no. And that's why you lose votes when they come up. Pwn all you want......awps are bad form.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog...
    Seems people didn't bother to read the previous posts........too bad.

    next person that says "it's part of the game" is going to get in a serious argument with me. Don't say it again. Not to us. Go talk about it in a player forum, and not to server admins and config guys.

    Nothing........not even the ability to fire your weapon, is part of the game....unless we want it to be.

    DWP is part of the game because of ethical reasons. It was created to bring balance, we argue for balance, so we support DWP.

    As DWP as OBVIOUSLY pointed out, there are several things wrong with CS. Namely, the AK, the M4, and the Deagle. I'm sure I said somewhere in this argument....if we're going to be permanently restricting weapons like the AWP, we need to be sure and take all the bullshit weapons out, or even the unmatched weapons.

    Reference p-stats to see which weapons don't match their opposite team counterparts.

    The AWP is a throwback to 1999, and no one can deny that. If you want games to perform like it's 1999......then keep supporting the weapon as if it's "skill based" and legitimate. Same with the deagle, M4, and AK. And then......get slapped by DWP in your mouth.

    The only real problem with the awp, that I have, is that......if half the team is using it.....the gameplay, as a whole, is destroyed. A whole lot of standing around and shooting, and not a lot of ground taking, objective seeking, bomb planting, hostage rescuing.

    A whole lot of "ring of fire" scripts running, slaying those who think it's more fun, and more important to AWP rather than to do their objective based tasks.

    "but bigdog.....I can win if I shoot everyone on the other side".

    Of course you can. And you can do that in Quake III, or Unreal Tournament 2K6, or some other game that ISN'T FOCUSED ON OBJECTIVES.

    "but's part of the game"

    slapped.....slapped again........and then, your forward speed, side speed, and ability to use your mouse are removed.

    "but _______.....slow motion and no-mouse is part of the game".

    My comment about 99% of the time it gets restricted still stands.

    We HAD an automated awp vote system in place.....but the recent updates to valve have ruined it. AWPing is for different kinds of games, focused on twitch-shoot principles and solo achievement.

    If you like to awp.......and it's not a SPECIFIC part of the team strategy......then you aren't a teamplayer.

    It's not that it's anything agianst snipers. There's snipers in BF2. SJT is a hell of a sniper in 2142.

    But we are all playing a role in that game. HE's a sniper who also has active-camoflauge, C4 explosive packs, and hand grenades. He covers my ass, and destroys the enemy ability to track us, kamikazes his ass into vehicles to attach explosives and detonate them in emergencies, and he holds territory as directed by the commander/squad leader.

    He does NOT sit in a spawn area, waiting for things to walk in front of him.

    And, given CS's size....that's about all you can do with an AWP. You certainly don't have time to rush anywhere with it. You aren't going to see an awper rush the bridge on aztec, leading the pack. Or on assault, being the first one in the door. Or on dust, rushing left, first to the site.

    They're in the back....last ones......too slow to protected, ineffective areas of the map. tired of writing. Can't we just skip to the end? Don't we all know who's right by now?
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  3. Registered TeamPlayer yungryder's Avatar
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    Re: Selective AWP banning

    Thanks Gideon..


  4. Chicago Ted
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    Reported Post by Iggy

    Iggy has reported a post.

    Has ads in the sig line for Coach purses and stuff. And, it is their first post Interesting....
    Post: Was No Mercy supposed to be longer? Check out these hidden sound clips.
    Forum: L4D General Discussion
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    Posted by: ddddyyyy
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  5. A Banhammer With Rainbows
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    I saw that user and had insanely high suspicions because of his name....I was going to say something...I shoulda... :/

    (but coach purses?? is this honestly the right site to be advertising them!?? lmfao...besides, I like dooney & bourke way better )

    jdog_pwnd_you: I worship you.

  6. Australian.
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    100% Fanboy free since 1804.

  7. Drebin. Police Squad.
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    Interesting. It appears the spambots are becoming more sophisticated and now copying usernames to try and pass undetected...

    Of course, the only flaw in this particular one was the line "I agree with Straight Cash", which is a fairly good indicator that something is horribly amiss.
    The next one will be: "I think Beery has made an excellent argument there and responded civilly to all points made against him".

    That's the end of the world, right there.

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