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Thread: Sorry guys...

  1. Just getting started
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    Okay, I have no problems with kids. I'm 17 and have a pretty high tolerance level. Once I was told that I sound like I'm 7, and I'm a girl, so don't go kicking everyone with a high voice because you probably pissed off some teenager.

    I have three friends that I am tight with. One is 19, but I didn't know the age of the other two for a while. When I learned that they were both 14 I FLIPPED. They could have passed off being in their 20s. They don't use mics, and when they DO talk they are pretty mature about things.

    I only vote-kick as a last resort, and only if my teammate is an absolute asshole.
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  2. Regular Joe Member
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    Anyone notice the title of this thread now reads "Hot kids on left 4 dead". A bit edgy, no?

    I don't have a problem playing with any age group, but the kids seem to end up making me the most peeved. That doesn't mean their aren't annoying kids in the other age groups.

    Anyway, I was playing a Versus match earlier with three of my friends. One lagged out, and before he could rejoin, some high pitched kid joined, healed at 40 HP, and when we asked him to leave so our friend could rejoin, he shot us until we kicked him. Not fun.

  3. Regular Joe Member
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    My opinion on this is very, very simple.

    In RL, I would never hang around with anyone that is less than 18. Past that point I feel we would have nothing in common anyway. And it's just abnormal for an adult to hang around with kids/teenagers.

    Same exact thing online. Yes, some younger people are more mature than others...but what the heck, it does not make it more normal to interact with them in the ''everyone is on the same level'' world of internet. I grew up playing and interacting with people my age, and the younger folks around can do the same. I don't think I should tolerate minors in my playing space, and this would not cause problems if games actually took your age into account when playing online.
    My blog. Where I write stories. It's in French though :P

  4. Been around a bit
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    Yesterday we got a kid in our game and he asked if we had mics, we all said yes. So asked and you? He said yeah but he ws affraid to use it cuz his voice. I told him no worries I have kids that shit don't bother me. He was 11 and a really good kid. We enjoyed having him play. I find their reactions funny and pure so it makes it enjoyable.

  5. Chicago Ted
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    Quote Originally Posted by BParenteau View Post
    Same exact thing online. Yes, some younger people are more mature than others...but what the heck, it does not make it more normal to interact with them in the ''everyone is on the same level'' world of internet. I grew up playing and interacting with people my age, and the younger folks around can do the same. I don't think I should tolerate minors in my playing space, and this would not cause problems if games actually took your age into account when playing online.
    I am not sure if you noticed, but this is not "your" playing space.

    Online interactions are very different than real life interactions, and if you have to consider an age between playing video games and going out with people to hang out with the same then you need to re-look your opinion.
    Quote Originally Posted by David Lynch
    It's such a sadness that you think you've seen a film on your fucking telephone. Get real.

  6. Regular Joe Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Abyss Crown View Post
    I am not sure if you noticed, but this is not "your" playing space.

    Online interactions are very different than real life interactions, and if you have to consider an age between playing video games and going out with people to hang out with the same then you need to re-look your opinion.
    You are right when you say the whole online playing field is not my own personal playing space, and I have not been clear. I was thinking of games started by myself, or games started by people who also don't want to play with younger folks.

    Now, of course online interactions differ a bit from real life ones. (The big difference being anonymity.) But they don't change the fact that in my opinion, and I'm speaking for myself here, kids should not be playing with adults in a game where people are bound to use language not suited for them, or where they could be exposed to situations not to be experienced by them. I just think it's irresponsable. I'm not even sure they should be playing in the first place, but that's parental territory, and not my business.

    Add to that the fact that I simply don't want to have to babysit pushy, hyper and immature people when I play. (I'll have plenty of that with MY own kids, thank you.) Those are two main reasons why I think online gaming interactions should (But will not because it's frankly impossible) be seperated, at least between minors and adults.

    Now, I'm not trying to say all minors are as irritating as I've just described them, but 9/10 is still a lot.

    PS: Excuse my English. I don't practice it much, so it's possible that I am not being 100% clear.
    My blog. Where I write stories. It's in French though :P

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe The Zombie View Post

    Korgii knows about the over-mature man we had in a lobby once...

    My god was that man annoying. My ears are still ringing from his rediculously loud and masculine voice.

    Anyways, I do hate immature children in this game. A good majority of them are overconfident, swear like sailors, are uncooperative, and simply don't know general manners.

    They usually quit when they are losing, teabag and brag about their victories, and generally act like total quaffs until someone offers to kick them, and then they just start screaming about how terrible everyone is for kicking them.

    Anyways, what I said previously was not a stereotype, either. A good 80-90% of the children I have played with acted like this, and almost all of them couldn't stop using childish insults like, "Gay, retarded, and Faggot".

    It annoys the hell out of me, personally. I give small children a chance, but when they begin showing these signs of immaturity, they are booted.
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  8. Hunter
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danomeon View Post
    My god was that man annoying.
    Yeah, there are plenty of ANNOYING people in this world.

  9. Junior Member
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    playing with kids is annoying because they usually suck, try to be cool and talk trash, and are generally really fucking annoying

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