View Poll Results: Do you like it on the rotation?

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  • Yes

    26 78.79%
  • No

    7 21.21%
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Thread: De_Chateau

  1. Senior-Senior Member
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    The vote kick is dumb.

    I simply can not join a versus game anymore, people kick me out for absolutely no reason every night. What's the point of a kick button in the first place, since it's possible to create a friends-only game? Friendly fire is also retarded and if removed you wouldn't even need a kick button in the first place.

    Why pay for a game when you're gonna get kicked from your own game?

  2. Hi, my name is...
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    I know what you mean mate. I play the PC version and some Versus games are real kickfest's. I honestly dont think that some people know why the person is being kicked before saying yes.
    A bad Boomer or Tank is a sure way of getting kicked. Regardless of how well you have done before hand.

    The only time that I will start a vote kick is if someone is afk for longer than 2 minutes without saying anything first. Or being a complete idiot, speed running or attacking as infected before everyone else is ready.

    The only advice that I can give is to try not to take it personally. Its only a game afterall.

  3. Senior-Senior Member
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    The vote kick is necessary for a game like this. If my friend has to leave the game I don't want to get stuck with some Brit kid muttering about Lucky Charms and wandering into every abandoned building. The only way to stop being kicked is to be really, really good or play with friends. There are several threads on how to avoid getting kicked, just search for them. And I'm sure it's frustrating for you to get kicked so often, but maybe make a post in the matchmaking section detailing your skills to make a few friends. Always having a friend to play with guarantees you against the vote.

  4. Join Date
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    Ill be the first to admit my shameful problem. If someone starts a votekick, and 2 yes'es come up, and my vote is the only left, i usually press yes with no questions asked. Reason being is cause they usually start TK'ing by that time.

    The votekicking system is fine, except for letting guests have votes. Take that shit away.

  5. Junior Member
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    Agreed 100% with Teen, guest getting a vote is the bane of my existence.

  6. Zombie Rat
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    The overuse/abuse of the vote kick combined with the gobby kids are two reasons why I rarely like playing versus unless I'm playing with a group of mates. Too much hassle etc.

  7. Just getting started
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    And here is little old me thinking that the kick vote is one of the few saving graces in L4D/2.

  8. Left 4 Dead
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    Bottom line is vote kick is sometimes needed to deal with certain problem players.

    Problem being that alot of raged up super nerds also use this function to try and kick anyone who doesn't BOW down to their WAYS and STYLE of playing.

    Some people are just lil raging jackass's that shouldn't be playing video games or L4D in the 1st place. L4D is a game where shit happens. If your the type of person that can't handle shit happening STOP PLAYING. Grow some balls, shut up and play the game.

    Seriously who hasn't played a game where the other team just BOOTS anyone for any lil thing they do wrong. Funny thing is, when you tell them its their fault they RAGE even more. I guess the truth hurts...

    What, they think just because they can cry, whine and rage the most, that it will earn them some kind of respect. I don't think sooooO. Want my respect, shut up and do your best.

    Players like this need to stay in their lil circle of freinds, clans or GB teams and shut the hell up. When i play a public game i DON"T wanna boot every players that messes up just because some DORK says so.

    Like OMG the boomer got shot.... Vote KICK!

    OMG the hunter missed a pounce.... Vote Kick!

    OMG the charger missed..... VOTE KICK!

    Omg the player in the back just got smokered and becasue your to busy cryin and yelling.... VOOOOOTE KICK!

    Thank god theirs a vote kick button just to get rid of players like that. SOmetimes a players skill level just isn't enough to put up with their constant crying and yelling.

    Sometimes getting rid of the raging nerd does wonders for the rest of the teams moral.
    !!!WiCkEd VOooOdooooO TerRrroRR!!!

  9. Senior-Senior Member
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    I've been kicking anyone without a mic in Realism Versus, no questions asked. I don't really see what the problem is. I can hardly remember the last time I was kicked from a game, except for the rare time when someone kicks because their friend is coming in. Chances are, if you're getting kicked regularly you're doing something wrong. You need to ask people why you're kicked, and play with some friends to get better. If it's a pub game I usually give 2 or 3 strikes and then you're out. If you don't listen to quality advice then you're not worth playing with.

  10. THE TANK
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    While I understand your concern, removing the votekick would make this game almost unplayable when my friends and I need a decent teammate in a pub game. Far too many people dive right into versus without even trying campaign first, and as a result I'm frequently dishing out votekicks and politely asking people to take the game's advice and get a feel for it before playing competitavely.

    Not to mention all of the immature and racist jerks that seem to make up some of the LIVE community. The votekick is a godsend if you have some nice friends to play around with.
    When the talking ducks enslave us all, we will finally get our happy baskets of pudding.

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