View Poll Results: which CT's should be slayed (vote for more than one)

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  • They have a chance to defuse the bomb, but don't even bother

    160 30.89%
  • They run away from the bomb when it's planted

    157 30.31%
  • They see the bomb is defended, so they run away/sit outside the bombsite

    148 28.57%
  • They are far from the bomb when it is planted, or underfire, and arrive too late to defuse it, perhaps not even reaching the bombsite, though moving in its direction as fast as possible

    19 3.67%
  • They are alone, they hear the bomb is planted, and run for the bombsite...except it's the wrong one

    19 3.67%
  • They are told the bomb is at B, so they go there, but it is at A

    15 2.90%
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Thread: Slay a CT if...

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    Re: Slay a CT if...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hocus Pocus
    Honestly, has there ever been a non biased poll?

    This has gotten way out of hand.

    What we have established: Roughly 80% of regulars were sure the rule was "Diffuse or Die Trying."

    According to Select Admins, this was not the rule.

    What is there to argue about?! What is it going to change? Most of you guys have forgotten what the fuck you came for. Why are we posting 30+ pages of IMO's? Ask yourself, what is my intent on posting? Are we trying to tear everything down? All this he said she said shit is counterproductive. I think there's a lot of you here who started with good intentions and got caught up in the heat of the moment.

    Seriously look at what you're doing here, all this shit to prove you are right? Do you guys see any positive outcome in all this? This is the reason I completely stopped playing CSS it's all fucking politics and shit spewing. Only a few people actually launch CSS to play the game and the rest just to bitch and start shit.

    It's fucking pathetic we're still here. You guys are trying to put everyone's backs to the wall for what? To get everyone fired? To challenge the system? For what?! And if you guys actually do achieve this what if the high admins get tired of it and say you know what, fuck this. No more TTP?! Is that what you want?! If that's what you really want then just leave!

    If you don't agree with the things that go on in CSS then take a break from it, play a different game. Let all this shit get sorted out and come back and play the game, not the politics.

    If you think you got solutions, I'm sure people would love to hear them. But this he said she said you're a liar shit is ridiculous and counterproductive. We have too many people in this world who want to show there's a problem but present no fucken solution. Don't be that person.
    Cosigned. Spoken like someone who knows a thing or two. :9

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    Re: Slay a CT if...

    Scrum you continue to post lies. Perhaps lies that were based off what you "thought" and therefor innocent lies, but lies none the less. I know you have never liked me, so quite honestly i never expect you to admit that perhaps you heard wrong because you want me banned, for good if possible. But hear this, you are one of the bad apples, and you would be surprised at some of the names who want you gone just like you want me gone. I had my backers, you didnt have a single 1 who publicly confirmed your story. You used your position as an admin, to your advantage, to get me removed because for some reason, you felt i offended you in some way and you were just waiting for me to "mess up". I still maintain i was flat out astounded i got banned because at the time i was laughing over the fact that i had been moved prior to the warmup round being over. Something i had quite simply, never seen happen before.

    Anyway, time for bed, and have fun convincing yourself that your a "good" admin and dont bend the rules yourself.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Major Guch's Avatar
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    Re: Slay a CT if...

    Quote Originally Posted by Scrum
    Quote Originally Posted by Major Guch
    Quote Originally Posted by Scrum
    Quote Originally Posted by Major Guch
    Well i posted everything I have. So theres nothing more for me to do. If Jeff wants to post what he has he can. So if you want the other demo ask Jeff for it. Im done with this. You ask for proof and we give it and it still doesnt matter. Just like the Sl!ppy ban. i may have gotten hot headed for being called a lier, But i gave proof. 3 players i know of spoke out on what happened. Scrum still has power. And im fired for calling him a POS. By the way Scrum i also would like to know who the other admin was that was on the CT side that spoke against Sl!ppys ban. Wasnt me and i was the only other admin on the CT side. Jeff was a T! so was BigAg
    Slippy's ban issue will not be discussed anymore here, period. When/if Slippy makes an unban request again when his 30 days are up, if need be then the admin who was a witness can state his case which was identical to mine. Guch I really don't owe you an explanation but since you think I'm such a P.O.S I'm going to take the high road. The admin that has basically concurred what I heard Slippy say nearly word for word was not an admin at the time but is now and is a well respected player, even by you. But yet I guess I'm still some P.O.S that's just out to get everyone right? And there were not 3 players who didn't hear anything, there was only one who says he didn't hear anything and that was you. Again, Slippy's case should not be brought up again here. It is dead for now. If you have something to discuss to me in private there are PM's for that.
    Just me huh. Well the post from master magus that you yourself posted said he didnt here him curse the admin. YOU posted it, 1: me 2: slippy 3: master magus. Now there is an admin that was there too, why didnt be post before hand on this, sence he heard what you heard.. Doesnt matter anyways, Slippy will remain banned for life, i know this he knows thisand everyother admin, its already been desided.
    Master_Magus: at the start of inferno during the warmup round, I saw the player moved admin message of Slippy
    Master_Magus: right after that Slippy start saying "A round hasn't even started and I am already being moved", "You gotta be joking", "The admin gotta have something against me" and some other stuff. It was easy to tell that Slippy wasn't happen with admin decision. For the cussing, i wasn't sure about since I was making fun of Pootie during this time

    Since you are skewing things once again I must post. You know as a previous admin it doesn't take just cussing and admin to get you banned. A player can be pissed and bitch about the admins decision without cussing and it's still bannable. If you read magus's post it's obvious he says Slippy was pissed. Now combine that with me actually hearing him cuss the admin's decision and on top of that combine it with another admin hearing the same thing (reason is to your question he was fairly new to the forums side of things and probably didn't know there was such a discussion on this topic). That's pretty compelling don't you think? You could have easily pmed me but you still want to post in here so I must defend again. sigh...

    Point is he banned - period why still bring this up? End it.
    and that was my point, he didnt curse at the admin. Ive said that all along. so you banned him for saying something about being bmoved. thats fine. I stated he did not curse the admin . he did not use the words you said he did.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer MeBad's Avatar
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    Re: Slay a CT if...

    Slippy do you have anything to contribute to this community besides your pot stirring stick Seriously, I thought you had turned a corner for the better. I guess I was wrong.
    Did I say that or was I just thinking it?

  5. Registered TeamPlayer SmokenSherriff_'s Avatar
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    Re: Slay a CT if...

    No shit ? Mebad, you are so right.

    News Flash!!!...........

    Slippy, guess what? Scrum aint going no where? If anyone will be it is you. Why you choose to bring up old shit and start drama again only shows people like myself that vote for your unban that we were wrong. Startover? Fresh slate? Best behavior? You got any clue what any of that is?

    I see where this is heading......

    Guch, I love you bro please listen to me and just let it go too. Even if you are right, live to see another day.


  6. Registered TeamPlayer SoulNinja's Avatar
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    Re: Slay a CT if...

    I have a very strict gun control policy: if there's a gun around, I want to be in control of it.
    Clint Eastwood

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    Re: Slay a CT if...

    Quote Originally Posted by sL!ppY
    Scrum you continue to post lies. Perhaps lies that were based off what you "thought" and therefor innocent lies, but lies none the less. I know you have never liked me, so quite honestly i never expect you to admit that perhaps you heard wrong because you want me banned, for good if possible. But hear this, you are one of the bad apples, and you would be surprised at some of the names who want you gone just like you want me gone. I had my backers, you didnt have a single 1 who publicly confirmed your story. You used your position as an admin, to your advantage, to get me removed because for some reason, you felt i offended you in some way and you were just waiting for me to "mess up". I still maintain i was flat out astounded i got banned because at the time i was laughing over the fact that i had been moved prior to the warmup round being over. Something i had quite simply, never seen happen before.

    Anyway, time for bed, and have fun convincing yourself that your a "good" admin and dont bend the rules yourself.
    Slippy, I actually held no ill will towards you until your latest post in this community. You and a few of your drama-poisioned spreading friends may not like me becaue I have to police, non-team playing, trash collectors like yourself, but I'm not here to run a popularity contest I am here to police and protect our servers from people like you. Slippy you have never offended me personally.

    I'm curious as to why you think I never have personally liked you? I hardly even know you. I've seen how you play on our servers, trash collecting always on the easy side of the map so you my friend, have built your reputation by yourself. If you think I'm the only one/admin who thinks that you're sadly mistaken. There is a few bad apples at TTP that have been spreading the poision in the CSS area, creating drama instead of just playing the game and having fun. I have no doubt these are probably the same people that have poisoined your mind as well, or hell maybe you've always been that way I don't know and I don't care. The point is you reap what you sow and Slippy you continue to drive yourself deeper and deeper, stir up constant shit, you show no one in here respect - why would anyone like you now?

    I know 100% what I heard, but go ahead and continue to believe your own lies.

    You think I'm a bad apple because I had to police you or police someone else who's a non-team player? Well if I'm a bad apple for that - then I feel fine with it. You say you have people that want me gone? That's fine I'm well aware of it. PM me with their names, I would like to discuss with them why they feel this way - probably the same poisoin/drama spreaders in these threads. But have you ever thought about how many people want you gone as a result of what you have been doing and continue to do?

    Slippy you act as if I'm the only one who upheld your ban? 30+ other admins voted seeing all the same evidence as we all did - are they all bad apples to? The fact is you're the bad apple along with the few others in your bunch. The same people that want to divide the admin and CSS community in here over bs drama. All you do is blame everyone but yourself. We have all given you the opportunity to take the high road but you still dissapoint. Not a surprise.

    Guch - I simply said I would have banned him if he cussed or didn't cuss he was still pissed about being moved and was whining about it. But he did cuss throwing F bombs around in with his ranting. If you didn't hear it that's fine, we disagree - we've gone over this. Why would I have needed to trump up some BS like he was cussing when I could have simply banned him for being vocally pissed at the admin for moving him? But I did hear it.

    What if it was Vafa who did the same thing? Would you be calling him a POS admin? Would you want him fired? Because I gaurantee you he would have done the same thing I did. I probably have logged more hours than anyone over the last year on ttp CSS main so of course I'm going to be the most publized enforcer and have more warnings, slays and bans than everyone. So I may have people who don't like me because of that. They think "No way my bro" could be banned for that - he's just out to get me or my "bro" or my clan. It's completely false. Instead of trying to get to know me or discussing things like a grown up with me a handful of people like to spread rumors of their skewed, poisoined version of events. They want to stir up drama instead of handling issues like men.

    All of these threads you see going on right now are simply examples about how poorly people deal with situations. This is when you can tell what type of person(s) you are. Can you step up, be a man, admit your mistake without throwing gas on the fire and move on - or do you wish to try and bring down everything or cause uneeded drama just to move the spotlight off of your screw up...

    This will be the last time I post about this in here. Unless there is something relevant to the original posting of this entire thread here please take it offline with a PM or post in the correct place please.
    Quote Originally Posted by CivilWars View Post
    There are 2 men that I find attractive, the rock, and brad Pitt, especially in troy.

  8. Administrator ...bigdog...'s Avatar
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    Re: Slay a CT if...

    so now what?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xplodr!
    I slayed you.

    I was in the wrong for slaying you, because you outrank me, and I misunderstood another rule (I wasn't aware you could run away if the bomb was going to blow so that you could save your gun.)


    I apologized for the misunderstanding.
    All of this......all of this mess....for a "misunderstanding".

    Great. Death, gone. All their admins, fired. Great.

    A bunch of mutineers and anarchists revealed (from the looks of this poll, about 15-19 exist in votes for 4, 5, and 6).

    For those with the "omg bigdog, your poll is just as dumb as xplodr's, you need to grow up, omg you're a tyrant"....look fucks.

    #1. Xplodr has admitted his agenda, and you have been deceived. His poll was 3 choices, where 2 were impossible, and the 3rd was simply a "hooray for TTP" obvious vote. This poll is situations where admins should or should not slay. And in this situation, this poll, had Xplodr been correct, should have turned out with 1-6 getting 100% of the vote. It did not for several reasons.

    First, being that it is retarded...stupid....fucking stupid...ignorant rookie ass adminship and rule making to slay anyone that is trying, but makes a mistake. Slaying for mistakes is slaying people for being noobs. And you can get that shit anywhere....but you don't get that at TTP. TTP was founded because of motherfucks out there who do crap like that. Who slay you because you missed a shot, or because you weren't carrying a defuse kit, or because you're 8 years old or a girl. You want a community like go find one, and get your relic ass quake loving DM pwning one-trick-pony-of-a gamer-ass the fuck out of TTP. You don't belong here, and you don't fit in. You've made a place like TTP just that much harder to even exist in the first place, and certainly a daily chore to keep free of people like you. Fuck off.

    Second, because we never had such a rule in the first place, because we are the opposite of what's described above. We are TRYING to make rules that are fair. We purposely do NOT MAKE RULES that have even a POSSIBILITY of bias against a player....even the PERSPECTIVE of bias.

    It didn't turn out this way because people were told what to vote for, or because my choices here are weighted. They are situatuions that are 100% realistic in-game, occur every day, and our admins have to deal with every round of every map. anyone that plays CSS is familiar with the choices, and quite obviously, given the 140+ voters in just a few days.....even non-CSS people understand the fucking principles, since such a rule transcends the game engine it's being played on.

    #2. Yet again, TTP has some spring cleaning to do. In situations like this, it's good to know who your friends are. And it's not friends who simply agree with you. It's people that are trying to help. Threads like this help us identify who's here for themselves, and who's hear to play a first person shooter with other people on a regular basis and make the most out of it every minute of every game they play.

    Xplodr, Slippy, Pineapple, Benandorf, Alpinestar, and many others here.......tragically some of these guys were actually ADMINS, and we apologize for that. Half of these guys are now excommunicated, and likely most of them will be as their votes come to conclusion.

    There is no room for people like this in an online world. They are poison. They are cancer. They are disease. They want nothing but chaos and ruin, since they are unhappy and miserable people. They are the kinds of people that go onto youtube or myspace or ______ and post "that baby's ugly" or "that chicks fat" on videos that others put up to show their family and friends their new kid or wife or daughter's gradution. The kinds of people that think..."hey, it's the internet, fuck it, let's go push people around."

    And regardless of how cliche or expected my next statement will has to be made.

    That kind of bullshit doesn't fly here. We are real people. Real people that put all this together so when you get home, you can get on CSS, or TF2, or BF2, or L4D, and immediately begin playing on a stable server, with a good rotation, with good server settings, rules, and admins, and a full roster of people. We SPEND MONEY to offer prizes and incentives on servers that are struggling in population, rather than simply cancel the service. We train, and recruit, and lecture, and lecture again, and lecture some more our new, and even old that the product is consistent, and maintains it's quality.

    Guys like xplodr, and the gang...saying what they've said here....even being regarded as a "good" admin.....making it to MID status, which takes some admins years to do........ it's shocking, but it certainly not original, or unprecedented here.

    So I go back to my first post in this thread.

    what the fuck is wrong with you people? a rhetorical, if not a trick question. It's not what's wrong with them. It's what's wrong with us, since truly, WE are the minority, and continue to be. Ethics, and fairness, and honor, and uncompromising morals. Not common characteristics. Combine that with a community of 14 public servers, dozens of resident clans, 100's of moderators, 100's and 100's of admins, 100's of reservists, and 1000's and 1000's of's not just uncommon, it's impossible.

    But here we are.

    In the now deleted Death forums....slippy said "so begins the end of TTP CSS".

    Though you won't be around to see me slippy......TTP CSS aint going anywhere. You few, or even dozens...being removed from the population does nothing but make more room for the next in line, those waiting in line, night after night, being blocked by your reserve slot (which, FYI, slippy cancelled last night...classy).

    See through the hype. Get off the fucking bandwagons. Stop assuming that all authority is corrupt and evil. Stop looking at us like the way you look at your own boss, or mayor, or president....and start looking at us like people YOU want to help, and get involved with, and make a change for the better.

    That....or stay the fuck out of the way. Enjoy playing on our servers....but don't fuck it up for the rest of us that know this is something more than "just games".
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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    Re: Slay a CT if...

    pm'd to the regular population, to make sure this issue is clear to all.
    Quote Originally Posted by ...bigdog... View Post
    If turd fergusons want to troll their lives away, that's the world's problem. Go read the comments section, or any comments section, anywhere. All of the big threads are going to be the crazy people saying stupid shit.

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