To what you are saying Smoken... I'm not entirely sure of it. I'll admit it when it comes to season I actually choose CT side more often, but I have never actually heard of anyone calling it out. Now however that doesn't mean that they ghost it or just simply using IM. For the most I have seen is that usually there is not an even split amongst the site. As far as I have seen there are only few people that play and can guess what kind of play its going to be. For what I think Season is a map that can be easy to read. One person peaks lower A and that eliminates half of the possible plays. One person peak mid and that takes care of that side. Then from here we can call out slowplay, b rush, run to b and make noise turn around and go vents to mid to b, rush upper b to CT spawn to A, and I know there are more plays on the play book but with just 2 persons doing this it can raise the percentage of predicting where T's are going.

Im not trying to disagree with you cause I also agree. Maybe there are regs that do cheat ghosting and do all kinds of shananigans. I wish there is a way that lonestar mod can check integrity of CSS files or just the traffic going to the server and see whos cheating.