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Thread: Awp, I know it's part of the game but . . .

  1. Registered TeamPlayer Sosiego's Avatar
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    Awp, I know it's part of the game but . . .
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    Re: Awp, I know it's part of the game but . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by Master_Magus View Post
    Does having 3 people with awps beating down a team that is strip of cash and might not have the skill level to counter them really live up to the server style? Maybe it's just me but I hold this server and players to a higher standard.
    It's not just you; I agree with you on this. Which, to reiterate, is why I'm seconding the notion to have a one or two awp per team limitation on our server that allows awps. If we're going to try to stress the mindset of team play by obligating players to make an attempt on defuses, stressing that people go against their hunch to save their weapon (which can be rough for those who have scrimmed in the past), then I agree that we need to stress the mindset of players in keeping the enjoyment of these servers balanced by stressing a "gentlemen" rule concerning the use of the awp.

    I have never bought the "it's part of the game" excuse concerning the use of the awp outside of scrims. The use of the awp in scrims is vastly different than the use off an awp in a pub or teamplay server. As I said before, there are simply too many bodies to shoot at in a non-scrim server and the result is typically an imbalance, especially when the awp is being used on the CT side (an exception might be the use of the awp on a map like Pira). Not to mention, unless one side is getting stomped (which shouldn't be happening anyway if we're striving for balance), the gun simply reduces the amount of enjoyment had in the server – which is why we have an issue with people leaving a server when the awp starts being used and why we see awp votes start so quickly after a player starts using it. No one likes to be shot by Goldeneye's golden gun with a 4x32 scope on it, especially when you're not having to be as serious as you would in a scrim.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer DuDDy's Avatar
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    Awp, I know it's part of the game but . . .
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    Re: Awp, I know it's part of the game but . . .

    The reason why we do not have a 1 or 2 awp limit set up on the servers has been discussed numerous times before and in numerous threads. Before you guys go and say we need this and we need that, go do some research and see why we have not implemented the restrictions in the past.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer (2)manno's Avatar
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    Awp, I know it's part of the game but . . . Awp, I know it's part of the game but . . .

    Re: Awp, I know it's part of the game but . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by DuDDy View Post
    And Im willing to bet you were the first one to bitch about him awping, the first one to call him a fag/pussy/bitch for doing it, and Im also willing to bet you spent more time bitching about him awping than actually finding a way to get around it. YOU are the exact player some of us are complaining about in this thread, and by some of us I mean the ones that are saying find a way around it. You would rather bitch about someone awping than find a way to beat the awper. If you spent half the time you did bitching about an awper and put that towards...i dont know maybe thinking of a way to beat the awper this wouldnt be a problem. But no, you would rather bitch when someone is awping all because you have to check corners (god forbid you have to do that), use a smoke grenade, and actually be a contributing member to the team in finding a way around the awper.
    i probably wasn't the first, but you can bet your ass i was in line. i firmly believe the only thing that keeps the teamplay going on in the awp/auto server are people the step up and make calls, the regs that softly enforce judicious use of the awps (plural, i think you keep missing that, multiple is the issue), and the all to frequent use of the awp vote... the vote that is forced on all of us because of the guys that can't control it's use... unfortunately no one can.

    i may be and example of the guy you're raging about, but judging by the efficacy of the awp votes you'd better extend that list to include 90%+ of the players on tpg. that's right, 9/10 times they pass. it's always been about the rules... of which you say there are none, yet there are. the obligatory (have fun), unwritten (don't awp winning), or written (awp restriction on vote), they cause these posts to come up again and again, and i guarantee it won't be the last.

    fyi - i've played cs for about 10 years. in the beginning for ~5 years straight. 5 years straight. while i appreciate madmax's quote from one of the originators of cs, anyone who's been around long enough knew that already. i've abused the living daylights out of that gun on pubs and i know exactly what pubs that allow that look like. and i know goddamn well how imbalanced it can be, i don't need someone to tell me, and i sure don't need someone to try and convince me otherwise. i know how unfun it can make things. if countering awps were just as simple as buying a few smokes we wouldn't be here (nor would the awp be the feared weapon it is in scrims/league play).

    while everyone buys their ak, i spend my $ and get one almost every round so our team has one (another thankless but important thing regs do) and hate to break it to you, i still get sniped/awped at mid even when multiple smokes are thrown. cobble (the subject map), isn't one where smokes aren't effective unless the awps are in the connector. guess what? they weren't. so much for the $300 handjob.

    but i also i know the exact opposite of those things: how fun it can be when used in a way that allows fun for everyone. let's face it, the only reason we're here arguing at all, is because no one is having fun with it. no one. not even the guy that whips it out first and gets multiple picks, only to have it restricted right after. no one. you can sig that.

    Quote Originally Posted by DuDDy View Post
    And manno, seriously stfu. Dont ride Civil's wagon to try and make me look bad. You are not the model role player you think you are, in fact you are 1/100th of the model player you think you are. Ya sure you make calls, when your winning. But when you are losing all you do is bitch and complain about the calls being made and how you cant win because the calls being made are being shitty. AND if nothing changes, you rage quit when you start getting your ass really whooped and go to the other server. And dont even try to say you dont do this cuz it is recognized by every reg, non reg and admin on the server.
    ok, now i've actually read all of this... this duddy... is uncalled for. all of it. you can't possibly tell me i'm not the role player i think i am if you don't know what i think, nor can you tell me about my play if you're rarely there to see it. you've got 1/4th the playtime i've got, and then just a fraction of that playing with me. to say that i'm 100% what you make me out to be, is to say you know everything, and that i shouldn't be here at all... but you don't, and i'm here.

    if some people look to me as a role model, it's not because i wake up wanting to be. you could say i'm a bit of a bad boy because playing with head and my heart is volatile at times, but i don't break rules, i teamplay, i make calls. often. very often. i also often chastise those that don't follow calls, coach those that don't know what they're doing, and tell people what i think when i think they're fucking it up for the rest of us. i use my mic constantly because that's how i do it, it's who i am. i have great difficulty sitting idly by with the majority of others who would do the same, watching a team fall apart, move around aimlessly, slow play the server right out of it's context, or buy awps until people just start leaving.

    i do those things so guys like you can stroll into tpg and experience css in a way you can't get somewhere else. i do it so guys like me can too. it's why people want to play here, when they don't want to be banned. and let me tell you, it's not always fun. i love it when vafa or ira or scrum or pootie or grayvee or rob or rattler (and others i forgot) are on and making calls. because then i can just be a regular joe and not worry about who goes where, what they're doing, what next, etc. i get to focus on my radar and gunsights; fucking bliss.

    it's easy for others to just say, "let them do it", and wash themselves of the responsibility... but when they get dirty look the other way. and like most public servants i'm rarely ever thanked, mostly criticized, and usually by those who can't or won't do it themselves. you know? the guys that sit in their armchair on sundays, second guess at the watercooler on mondays, but wait for someone else to stand up in a crowd when one is needed? they will see the glass 1/2 full, they will always be thirsty and will never go to the well.

    as for the rage-quitting/leaving to other servers, etc. i rage quit about 1x a week. the rest is my job (pmgment - means i get calls all the time, whenever), i goto the gym 5-6x a week, i eat, and i have a live in gf... she's a hot-ass woman who demands attention often without warning, and i go to bed EST, which many of you think is early. so your or others perception of me is not my reality. and if i leave one server to go to another because there is something i prefer on the other... what's wrong with that? the only reason people notice my absence at all, isn't because they like me or because my k:d is so hot (check the stats, i suck), it's usually because someone else has to step up and make calls... and that pains people, just like it pains me when a caller leaves and now the ball may be in my court. so my leaving is often painful. tough. i can't be everthing to everyone.

    so let me save you some time and help you. this post is just embarrassing yourself. you can defend something that's obviously controversial, but don't try to insult me into submission, and don't bring my efforts on the server into this. the you're not so great, you rage/bitch all the time blah, blah, blahness, is the purest waste of your time. no one will ever respect you for writing it, on the contrary you lose a bit with every word and become that which is disrespected with every post. that's the real world in action, believe it.
    Last edited by (2)manno; 06-15-10 at 01:38 PM.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Sosiego's Avatar
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    Re: Awp, I know it's part of the game but . . .

    Quote Originally Posted by DuDDy View Post
    The reason why we do not have a 1 or 2 awp limit set up on the servers has been discussed numerous times before and in numerous threads. Before you guys go and say we need this and we need that, go do some research and see why we have not implemented the restrictions in the past.
    My apologies. It appears that I'm either not searching correctly or that the archive of threads from the TTP forums did not transfer or has not yet been transferred to these new forums. I cannot find these threads.
    Last edited by Sosiego; 06-15-10 at 09:57 PM.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer BigHub's Avatar
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    Awp, I know it's part of the game but . . . Awp, I know it's part of the game but . . . Awp, I know it's part of the game but . . . Awp, I know it's part of the game but . . . Awp, I know it's part of the game but . . . Awp, I know it's part of the game but . . .
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    Gamertag: JHubb05 Steam ID: BigHub BigHub's Originid: Hubalicious

    Re: Awp, I know it's part of the game but . . .

    The reason we do not have AWP limits is because it will cause more problems than it will fix. People will fight with each other and bitch about who's better and who should be using it instead. Blah, blah, blah, fucking, blah...

    I'm so fucking tired of these threads - just go play the damn game, be a leader, and use your mic. That's all I'm adding to this redundant discussion. The horse was dead 5 years ago when we started this place.

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