So after reading this thread a week or so ago I started using, cl_update 66, cl_cmdrate 66, rate 30000, cl_interp_ratio 2, and cl_interp 0.02. Everything was fine within the first couple of days that I was using it and I felt like I was doing a little better with these new rates. But then I lost my edge completely! I was losing gun battles I should of/usually won, I could not get a headshot for shit, and it seemed that none of my shots registered. I thought to myself that maybe I've just been overplaying cs and need to take a break to let myself cool down, and I did and I still sucked. I never thought to change my rates back to what they used to be, but finally I did and I started owning up again. I am positive that my rates were the problem. I'm not a big tech guy so I never thought that my rates could have been what's messing me up, but now that I just let my rates be default execpt rate 30000, I am back to my old self.

I really don't think that the lerp stuff means a lot. When I first changed it I thought it helped a lot, but I realize now that it was better before I touched anything. I may try what Manno said and see how that works out, but FOR ME, lower lerp does not work.