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Thread: What would you improve on?

  1. Registered TeamPlayer Madmax (Grape)'s Avatar
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    What would you improve on? What would you improve on? What would you improve on? What would you improve on? What would you improve on? What would you improve on?
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    Steam ID: Madmax56 Madmax (Grape)'s Originid: madmax5699

    Re: What would you improve on?

    The number one problem I have is spraying too much. If I see an enemy even remotely close, I will too often go into spray mode: crouch, hold down mouse1, and lower my crosshair until its at their feet. I think the problem is that sometimes this works, and so I subconsciously start thinking it will always work. But too many times I end up dying and then thinking "if I would have just single tapped the guy, he'd be dead and I'd be alive..." So, I have started to use the deagle a lot more, especially on rushes, as my main weapon in order to stop myself from spraying. Its working out great because I aim every shot and do much better than I would have if I sprayed with a rifle. But this isn't really a good solution, because if I just retrained myself to not spray, I would be more effective with a rifle. I have been trying for years to stop spraying, I just can't do it. I need the patch or gum I guess. Or, I could take Pimp or Idunn as a coach.

    And thanks Vafa! You are the right, the hardest part is training yourself to wait until you have the perfect shot before shooting (and then reducing the time it takes you to get that perfect shot). I can help you out sometime when we are in game together, its pretty hard to explain things in the forums.

    But some things would be:
    1. When trying to counter-snipe someone, anticipate how they will play the spot. For instance, I know that if spring is CT side D2, he will most likely jump and land crouched right between the doors. So I preaim this spot if I am T. This gives me the advantage.
    2. When pre-aiming spots waiting for an enemy, give yourself enough time to see the enemy and then time the HS, all without moving your crosshair. Let them walk into your crosshair, which means all you have to judge is their speed and not also the speed of your crosshair.
    3. Give yourself a quick route of escape. You will sometimes miss that one shot, so you need to be able to take cover and switch out to your pistol in order to deal with people rushing you. Or switch to a flash and blind them while you get a better (more long distance) position.
    We can do better.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer dex71's Avatar
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    Steam ID: dex71

    Re: What would you improve on?

    For me....EVERYTHING.

    My biggest problem is that my balls are bigger than my brains (<---true story ). I'm used to BF2, and having 5 medics behind me to pick me up. That brings a whole new level of stupidity and aggression to my CS:S game. I have a lot of work to do, but I know that I have made a few strides here and there....and am having a blast (which is all that really matters).

    As for teachers......really, all of you. Jumping into CS:S at TPG is sort of like learning to swim in a shark tank, but I have been learning (albeit slowly) from all of the people I have been playing with. Ira's ability to remain calm and cool while giving well thought-out calls, the way Vafa can motivate a team, and turn it around with not only his skills, but his calls, and his positive attitude. I have also learned from (2) Manno's .....*cough*.... passionate critiques of the mistakes made in previous rounds, and the way all of you seem to step up and provide whatever it is the team is missing.

    The most important thing I have learned is what a great bunch of people we have here. Shot callers, teamplayers, Admins, and regs.....we have a great group here, and I have taken things from everyone that plays here. One day, I may get a kill....and I will have you all to thank.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer DuDDy's Avatar
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    Gamertag: Duddy0017

    Re: What would you improve on?

    For me I would say the biggest hole in my game is defending a rush. Ive come to realize that I can retake a site fairly easily with the aid of some others, but defending a choke point is something that I really lack at. I would like to be able to hold off a rush longer to give my teammates adequate time to rotate to the site and give them the most time to get to the site and either stop the bomb from being planted or defuse with more than 10 seconds left on the timer. As for a coach/mentor for me I wouldn't know where to begin. There are a lot of players here that are very skilled in that aspect and I feel that its best to learn from more than just one person for things like this.

    As far as something that Ive seen a lot of people mention in this thread so far, sniping and aiming, Ill throw my two cents in on it. Both of these go hand in hand imo. The better reaction time you have with a assault rifle, it will translate well into sniping as well. Use muscle memory maps to get that reaction time faster than what you think is possible and soon you will be snap aiming to someones head or body to get that critical kill. Also try to limit yourself to 2-4 round bursts, OR single fire shots. Both are extremely effective and you dont get the added effects of the recoil when you limit the bursts like that. For sniping the key is to know what the guns the can do. The awp and scout even though they are sniper rifles are 2 totally different weapons. It is possible to aim and shoot with the scout while moving, but you need to be still when using the awp (I cannot stress that enough). When aiming with the awp, forget about the fancy head shot and just aim for the torso because 1 shot there and the player is dead just the same as a head shot. I could go into more details about how to awp more effectively and becoming better with the gun, but there is just way too much to say in this thread. If you want to know more pm me or hit me up on steam and Ill gladly share some of my knowledge with any of you.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer DuDDy's Avatar
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    Re: What would you improve on?

    OH and the best thing to do to improve your aim and accuracy right now is simple. Just start keeping your crosshair at head level where ever you go on a map. Just get in the habit of keeping that cross hair at head level and the amount of first shot kills you will have will go up dramatically.

  5. Registered TeamPlayer Kyle13's Avatar
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    Re: What would you improve on?

    Hah. Everything.

    My aim is atrocious. (that means it's really bad, manno) I have one of the worst shots per kill ratios on the server and one of the worst hs per kill ratios as well. It's been an issue for me for years, it's still basically as bad as it was when I started.

    I choke when throwing flashbangs 90% of the time. I can usually make my throw with a nade, but as soon as I get a flash in my hand, I get scared I'm going to throw a teamflash, so I put it away. Or I flash myself typically. I get worked over by other people's flashes all the time, so I'm obviously doing something wrong.

    I think it's the old school DOD player in me, but my playstyle has always been to throw a nade, jump in the mayhem and start firing. It works great on DOD and occasionally on CSS, so I assume it will always work. What typically happens is I do 40 dmg to three players, jump in the mayhem, and die. I need to adjust my style to rely less on the mayhem of the grenade and more on, you know, shooting the other guy.

    What madmax said is also true for me, so I've been trying to use a deagle more often as well. (in fact, I think I started using a deagle more often after watching him and playing with him a bunch over the last few months and I thought to myself, hey, he's really good at that, I should start doing that too)

    My calls also need work. I always try some crazy or different call, then something goes horribly wrong, and 6 players on my team say "we should have done X Y and Z differently with that call" so I get pissed at myself that I didn't think of those things BEFORE I made the call. It's hard because I don't like being the caller to micromanage every part of the call, but I also need to state the important details of the call more clearly.

    I'm sure there's plenty of other things.

  6. Registered TeamPlayer Adretheon's Avatar
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    Gamertag: Adreatheon PSN ID: Adretheon Steam ID: Adretheon

    Re: What would you improve on?

    Hitting people, that's all I need improvement on. If I could actually kill my targets I'd be a way better player. I know my strats as a player would work better if I could just get kills. However, when playing for some reason I shut off the part of my brain for killing, and just playing smart kicks in. Once I can do that then I'll be back to the way I used to play, but with better knowledge of how.

    I know it sounds like a "well duh" answer, but in all honesty it's all I got issues with. heh.

  7. Registered TeamPlayer Toker's Avatar
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    Gamertag: Mr ARIZ0NA Steam ID: tokerskillz Toker's Originid: ARlZ0NA

    Re: What would you improve on?

    Situational Awareness. Pimp can give me a hand.

    Not saying I'm not situationally aware most of the time, but I can improve.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Steam ID: faisjdas

    Re: What would you improve on?

    Spray patterns. I had them down for a while but I fell out of practice.

    As long as people are coming here looking for improvements I'll give 2 protips on people improving their use of nades/flashes:

    Protip #1: One huge thing that people need to improve on: running around with grenade out. You should never have a grenade in your hand for more than a second. You take it out to throw and immediately switch back, it makes me angry when I see people run around corners with grenades in their hands like dipshits and get shot in the face. NEVER have a grenade out for more than a second.

    Protip #2: Don't waste flashes. I don't know how many times I see someone throw a flash around a corner, say when you are a ct and you think Ts are hiding out there, and then you do absolutely nothing.
    Throw flashes when:
    You are trying to fake
    You are about to rush around a corner
    You hear other people rushing towards you around a corner.

    Don't just throw a flash and shit there, you just wasted 200$.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vocal View Post
    You are all shitty at cs, that's the problem.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer Rawr's Avatar
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    Re: What would you improve on?

    I'd say my biggest thing would be sniping. Similar to vafa I still have a tendency to run for it, or just fail in general with the scout / awp. Sometimes I'll have like magic rounds where I can kill like 7, but usually I just miss over and over again. It kinda kills me that I can snipe more effectively with a pump than with the sniper. - I think I'd like dudders to help me with this one, he scares me when he starts to snipe against me.

    Although I could also use a lot of work on calling. I'm trying to call more often, but I tend to stick to simple strats because I'm just not too confident in my creative side when playing... and it takes me like 30 seconds to spew out what I'm trying to call. -Oh and I know vafa usually does an amazing job, but Sheriff also has some great calls that work a lot so I try and take in what he calls as well.
    Last edited by Rawr; 11-17-10 at 03:31 PM.

  10. Registered TeamPlayer idunn's Avatar
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    Re: What would you improve on?

    I haven't mastered, but feel I am very strong in a lot of categories, like aiming, sniping, teamplaying, clutching, being patient, being aggressive, knowing when to do something, how to do something, and why. But there are still a lot of minor flaws I catch myself doing frequently, and the biggest one is getting careless. I find myself getting killed a lot, and instead of complaining or trying to blame other people for my death, because most of the time its because I made a stupid mistake. Like looking to the left when someone is always to the right 90% of the time, reloading while taking a corner to find myself defenseless to an enemy. Pushing when I should have been patient, being patient when I should have pushed etc. I consider myself a smart player, but at times I feel like that "smartness" flew out the window. I would also like to be a better shot caller. I can call pretty well on certain maps, but other maps I have a hard time calling shots on the fly.... other than the ever so typical rush A, B, or slowplay.

    Quote Originally Posted by vafaskillz View Post
    I thought this would be a cool topic and may help some of you self analyze your game (and maybe get better!)

    As a player, what is the area of your game that needs the most improvement? For example, it could be using a specific gun, shot calling, playing in clutch moments, aiming, staying calm, etc.

    If you had to choose someone from TPG to coach you on your area of improvement, who would it be and why?

    Hmmm....I'll start.

    I would say my biggest area for improvement would be sniping. For some reason, I have a very quick trigger finger and cannot stay as relaxed as some of the other great snipers on TPG, such as Trigger, Duddy, hub, Pimp, Yung...etc. I have a habit of wanting to be the aggressor, so I would need someone to coach me on how to stay relaxed, poised and in great position to be effective. I have no idea if I need to change my sensitivity on the fly to snipe, if I need to pull my mouse down when I shoot, or if I need to aim ahead of the moving player.

    I would choose Idunn as my coach because not only is he incredible at sniping, but he is VERY relaxed and easy going(like me), so he would have the patience to give me pointers and tips on how to improve my game. My runner up coach would be madmax (a very underrated sniper), because he too has that "coach" personality and would have the patience to teach me effectively.

    So, who is gonna coach me?
    I appreciate it bro, and I'm down to exfoliate my sniper knowledge to you whenever is convenient. As long as DQ is present

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