Quote Originally Posted by Shenanigans View Post
Yeah I have the same problem with CSS, even with HDR OFF, it just seems that there's such a range in brightness map to map that its really tricky to get game brightness and monitor setting just right for all of them without making compromises. I never had such problems seeing back in 1.X days (there i go sounding like grumpy old guy... 'and the road to the bomb sites where up hill, both ways' "

Anywho, the best solution that I've found to this has been a program called powerstrip: its a handy little utility that allows you to very precisely and quickly adjust the color profile for you monitor(s) and even save and bind hot keys to switch between them. You can even set brightness, contrast, temp, and gamma for each color.
if you want to get really crazy, you could make you screen look like you're looking through dark sunglasses, night vision, or anything in between.
Basically, I have a few presets that I can switch between depending what map I'm on or even where I'm playing on a map.

you can DL here: EnTech Taiwan | Utilities | PowerStrip
The free version is full featured, but there's a startup timer, which is no big deal.

its not super intuitive, but basically what you're going to want to mess with can be found under the color profiles then start with playing with your gama values. You can certainly find google help, but I can also do my best to answer any questions.

HDR off worked for me. This can be closed I believe.

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