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Thread: what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use?

  1. Registered TeamPlayer naerok's Avatar
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    what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use?
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    Steam ID: naerock

    what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use?

    Just curious at what everyone use's since im a former 1.6 player I know what all tweaks and launch options I should use. When posting this say what it is your changing and what it changes and same with the launch options

    example:-noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -noforcemspd -freq 75
    Makes CS use the desktop mouse button settings. Basically switches off CS being able to reassign buttons already bound (like mouse 3 for vent).

    Makes CS use the mouse accel settings of Windows.

    Makes CS use the windows mouse speed settings.

    -freq 75
    sets the refresh rate for the monitor.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer ITaurusI's Avatar
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    what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use?

    Re: what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use?

    cl_crosshairscale 2600

    Post 69 dubs?
    Last edited by ITaurusI; 02-12-11 at 05:56 PM.

  3. Registered TeamPlayer Madmax (Grape)'s Avatar
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    what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use? what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use? what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use? what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use? what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use? what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use?
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    Steam ID: Madmax56 Madmax (Grape)'s Originid: madmax5699

    Re: what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use?

    Here's my Autoexec
    //MadMax's Autoexec
    echo "***********************"
    echo "    AUTOEXEC EXECUTED!    "
    echo "***********************"
    echo "          MadMax            "
    echo "***********************"
    snd_surround_speakers 0 //This forces headphones setting (when set to 0)
    //Info Binds
    bind "\" "status"
    bind "]" "zb_teamcash"
    //Cl_ Commands
    cl_cmdrate "66"	
    cl_interp "0.030303"			// Ensures lerp = 30.3
    cl_updaterate "66"
    cl_crosshairalpha "255"
    cl_crosshairusealpha "1"
    cl_c4dynamiclight "1"
    cl_interp_ratio "2"
    rate "30000"
    mat_hdr_enabled "0"
    mat_hdr_level "0"
    jpeg_quality "100"
    overview_names "1"
    // Buy Commands
    bind "f1" "buy m4a1; buy ak47"
    bind "f2" "buy mp5navy"
    bind "f3" "buy scout"
    bind "f8" "buy aug; buy sg552"
    bind "f5" "buy hegrenade"
    bind "f6" "buy flashbang"
    bind "f7" "buy smokegrenade"
    bind "f4" "buy galil; buy famas"
    bind "BACKSPACE" "buy vesthelm; buy defuser"
    bind "=" "buy deagle"
    bind "-" "buy p228"
    bind "mouse5" "use weapon_hegrenade"
    bind "f" "use weapon_flashbang"
    bind "KP_ENTER" exec seads.cfg    //Executes the Source Engine Automatic Demo Saver
    We can do better.

  4. Registered TeamPlayer Ninjastar1890's Avatar
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    what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use? what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use?
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    Gamertag: Ninjastar1990 Steam ID: Ninjastar1890

    Re: what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use?

    Here is the config I use.

    // HUD Settings: Advanced customization commands of HUD, etc.
    cl_autowepswitch "0" // "1" Automatically switches to picked up weapon | "0" Disables
    cl_autohelp "0" // "1" Enables in-game help | "0" Disables
    cl_crosshairalpha "200" // Sets transparency of cross hair: Smaller number = higher transparency.
    cl_crosshaircolor "3" // Sets color of cross hair | "0" Green | "1" Red | "2" Blue | "3" Yellow | "4" Light Blue
    cl_crosshairscale "2200" // Sets size of cross hair: Smaller number = larger cross hair.
    // cl_crosshairusealpha "0" // "1" Enables cross hair transparency | "0" Disables
    cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" // "1" Cross hair expands when you walk | "0" Disables
    cl_radaralpha "200" // Sets radar transparency: Smaller number = higher transparency.
    cl_radartype "0" // "1" Radar turns with player | "0" Radar is locked in position
    cl_righthand "0" // "1" Gun held right handed | "0" Gun held left handed
    cl_showfps "1" // "1" Shows fps in top right corner of screen | "0" Disables
    hud_centerid "1" // "1" Shows player's name under cross hair | "0" Shows name in lower left part of screen
    hud_classautokill "0" // "1" Enables automatic suicide after character model change | "0" Disables
    hud_fastswitch "1" // "1" Enables fast weapon switching | "0" Disables
    hud_saytext_time 6 // Sets number of seconds to display multilayer chat text.
    //net_graph "1" // "3" Enables net_graph | "0" Disables
    //net_graphheight "80" // Sets net_graph vertical position: Smaller number = lower graph position
    //net_graphpos "1" // "1" net_graph aligned to right side of screen | "2" middle of screen | "3" left of screen
    // ------------------------
    // Miscellaneous Settings: Other customizations and commands.
    cl_c4dynamiclight "1" // "1" Enables bigger blinking C4 light | "0" Disables
    cl_downloadfilter "nosounds" // "none" Disables all server downloads | "nosounds" Disables pub server sound downloads | "all" Enables all downloads
    cl_minmodels "1" // "1" Enables minmodels | "0" Disables
    cl_min_ct "2" // Sets the CT minmodel | "1" Seal Team 6 | "2" GSG-9 | "3" SAS | "4" GIGN
    cl_min_t "4" // Sets the T minmodel | "1" Phoenix Connection | "2" Elite Crew | "3" Arctic Avengers | "4" Guerrilla Warfare
    con_enable "1" // "1" Enables developer's console | "0" Disables
    jpeg_quality "100" // Sets JEPG screen shot quality.
    m_customaccel "0" // Sets a custom acceleration curve | "0" Disables
    m_filter "0" // "1" Enables mouse movement filter | "0" Disables
    mp_decals "300" // Sets number of decals that will be shown, (such as player sprays, bullet holes, and blood). Use in conjuncture with "r_decals".
    zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.0" // Sets sensitivity ratio for when using a scoped weapon.
    // ------------------------
    // FPS Settings: Settings that will allow you to get better fps without ruining the look or feel of the game. (I experienced 25-60 more fps, depending on map.)
    cl_ejectbrass "0" // "1" Enables bullet shell casing on ground | "0" disables
    cl_forcepreload "1" // "1" Preloads game assets at level start | "0" Disables
    //func_break_max_pieces "0" // "1" Sets number of broken object that can be displayed at the same time | "0" All objects disappear when broken
    //mat_dxlevel "81"  // Sets DirectX level | "81" DirectX 8 |  mat_dxlevel "95"
    mat_specular "0" // "1" Enables metallic shine on weapons and metal objects | "0" Disables
    //props_break_max_pieces "0" // "1" Objects break into smaller pieces, then disappearing. "0" Objects disappear when broken.
    r_3dsky "0" // "1" Enables 3D sky | "0" Disables
    r_3dnow "1" // "1" Enables 3DNow instructions | "0" Disables
    r_mmx "1" // "1" Enables MMX instructions | "0" Disables
    r_sse "1" // "1" Enables SSE instructions | "0" Disables
    r_sse2 "1" // "1" Enables SSE2 instructions | "0" Disables
    // ------------------------
    // Net Code Settings: Corrects your rates for better registration and ping.
    cl_cmdrate "101"
    cl_interp "0.01"
    cl_interpolate "1"
    cl_lagcomp_errorcheck "1"
    cl_lagcompensation "1"
    cl_smooth "1"
    cl_updaterate "101"
    rate "25000"
    // ------------------------
    // Miscellaneous Binds: Different binds you may find useful.
    // Adding "//" to the beginning of a bind command line will disable that bind.  Removing "//" will enable that command.
    bind "space" "+jump" // Space = jump
    bind "mwheelup" "+jump" // Mouse wheel up = Jump
    bind "mwheeldown" "+jump" // Mouse wheel down = Jump
    bind "f4" "exec autoexec.cfg" // F4 = re-execute this config
    bind "f5" "jpeg" // F5 = take JPEG screen shot
    unbind "f10" // unbinds F10 (quit)
    bind "f10" "kill" // F10 = player suicides
    // ------------------------
    // Buy Binds
    // kp_ is the prefix for Keypad buttons. (eg: "kp_uparrow")
    // You may add multiple buy commands to one key. (eg: bind "kp_plus" "buy awp;buy deagle;buy hegrenade")
    //bind "kp_end" "buy hegrenade"
    //bind "kp_downarrow" "buy flashbang"
    //bind "kp_pgdn" "buy smokegrenade"
    //bind "kp_rightarrow" "buy vesthelm"
    //bind "kp_5" "buy defuser"
    //bind "kp_leftarrow" "buy vest"
    //bind "kp_home" "buy ak47;buy m4a1"
    //bind "kp_uparrow" "buy deagle"
    //bind "kp_pgup" "buy awp"
    //bind "kp_plus" "buy hegrenade;buy flashbang;buy flashbang;buy smokegrenade;buy vesthelm;buy defuser"
    // ------------------------
    // Alias Binds
    // Auto Cross Hair Color: Press F1 to rotate through the five different crosshair colors
    alias "chcolor" "ccolor1"
    alias "ccolor1" "cl_crosshaircolor 4; echo CH Color: Ltblue; alias chcolor ccolor2"
    alias "ccolor2" "cl_crosshaircolor 0; echo CH Color: Green; alias chcolor ccolor3"
    alias "ccolor3" "cl_crosshaircolor 1; echo CH Color: Red; alias chcolor ccolor4"
    alias "ccolor4" "cl_crosshaircolor 2; echo CH Color: Blue; alias chcolor ccolor5"
    alias "ccolor5" "cl_crosshaircolor 3; echo CH Color: Yellow; alias chcolor ccolor1"
    bind "MOUSE5" "chcolor"
    // Auto Cross Hair Size: Press F2 to rotate through five different crosshair sizes
    alias "chsize" "csize1"
    alias "csize1" "cl_crosshairscale 3000; echo CH Scale: 3000; alias chsize csize2"
    alias "csize2" "cl_crosshairscale 1200; echo CH Scale: 1200; alias chsize csize3"
    alias "csize3" "cl_crosshairscale 1700; echo CH Scale: 1700; alias chsize csize4"
    alias "csize4" "cl_crosshairscale 2200; echo CH Scale: 2200; alias chsize csize5"
    alias "csize5" "cl_crosshairscale 2500; echo CH Scale: 2500; alias chsize csize1"
    bind "f2" "chsize"
    // Auto Cross Hair Alpha: Press F3 to rotate through four different crosshair transparencies  [cl_crosshairusealpha must be "1" to use]
    alias "chalpha" "calpha1"
    alias "calpha1" "cl_crosshairalpha 225; echo CH Alpha: 225; alias chalpha calpha2"
    alias "calpha2" "cl_crosshairalpha 200; echo CH Alpha: 200; alias chalpha calpha3"
    alias "calpha3" "cl_crosshairalpha 175; echo CH Alpha: 175; alias chalpha calpha4"
    alias "calpha4" "cl_crosshairalpha 150; echo CH Alpha: 150; alias chalpha calpha1"
    bind "f3" "chalpha"
    // Auto CT Minmodels: Press [ to rotate through the four different CT character minmodels
    alias "ctmin" "ctmin1"
    alias "ctmin1" "cl_min_ct 3; echo Seal Team 6; alias ctmin ctmin2"
    alias "ctmin2" "cl_min_ct 4; echo GSG-9; alias ctmin ctmin3"
    alias "ctmin3" "cl_min_ct 1; echo SAS; alias ctmin ctmin4"
    alias "ctmin4" "cl_min_ct 2; echo GIGN; alias ctmin ctmin1"
    bind "[" "ctmin"
    // Auto T Minmodels: Press ] to rotate through the four different CT character minmodels.
    alias "tmin" "tmin1"
    alias "tmin1" "cl_min_t 1; echo Phoenix Connexion; alias tmin tmin2"
    alias "tmin2" "cl_min_t 2; echo Elite Crew; alias tmin tmin3"
    alias "tmin3" "cl_min_t 3; echo Arctic Avengers; alias tmin tmin4"
    alias "tmin4" "cl_min_t 4; echo Guerrilla Warfare; alias tmin tmin1"
    bind "]" "tmin"
    Alias "+gbmods_spin" "+left; cl_yawspeed 50000;"; alias "-gbmods_spin" "-left; cl_yawspeed 100"; bind "p" "+gbmods_spin";
    alias dualies "bind mwheelup +attack; bind mwheeldown +attack"
    alias bhop "bind MWHEELUP +jump;bind MWHEELDOWN +jump"
    bind . bhop
    bind / dualies	
    alias +showexec "+showscores; exec sander.cfg"
    alias -showexec "-showscores"
    bind TAB +showexec
    echo "*********************************************"
    echo " Ben's Config v3.1 (League Compliant) Loaded "
    echo "   Email questions to    "
    echo "*********************************************"
    echo ""

  5. Registered TeamPlayer BUtta's Avatar
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    what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use? what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use?
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    Steam ID: 76561197962874729
    Nice configuration ninja.. I like the model switch that can be very helpful on different maps

    (Sent from my Samsung Fascinate-Galaxy X)

  6. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use?

    seems pretty good ninja but your rates are a bit off

    cl_cmdrate 67
    cl_updaterate 67
    rate 30000
    cl_interp_ratio 1
    cl_interp 0.030

    i think thats the best, at least thats what i use.

  7. Exiled
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    what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use?
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    Steam ID: BradDick

    Re: what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use?

    To be honest ... OrangeBox screwed up Source royally... you can get any configuration imaginable and it will register the same. Until a new game comes out, It will stay that way.

  8. Registered TeamPlayer Ninjastar1890's Avatar
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    what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use? what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use?
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    Gamertag: Ninjastar1990 Steam ID: Ninjastar1890

    Re: what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use?

    Thanks for the tip ill look into it. Have not really messed with config since I started playing again.

  9. Registered TeamPlayer LAYGO's Avatar
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    what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use? what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use?
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    Steam ID: 76561197960348239

    Re: what cfg tweaks and launch options do you use?

    Cool stuff. Source can do so much more than 1.6 (from what I recall).

    It's scary for me to be thinking about how damn long I've been playing this game. Beta 2! Then about 2005, just quit gaming cold turkey, only to build a new PC in July 2010 & get right back into the flow. While I'm not the player some of you guys are, I'm way better than I was when I quit, probably because of my beefy machine.

    Damn, looking at the dates of the history!
    Counter-Strike - CS info » history
    Last edited by LAYGO; 02-22-11 at 10:34 AM.
    oh hai

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