Quote Originally Posted by Nuke
No, genius. What I said was that black people will from time to time kill white people, although often the white people they are killing are in fact wiggers. Perhaps if you wiped the cum off of your eyeballs you'd be able to see that.
You're right about the nigger part, I was a bit drunk last night. Still, there are no sources or statistics that niggers kill wiggers more than 'normal' white people. But yeah, none the less they kill white people. See my point below.

Was it that I didn't make "none the less" all one word, even though it doesn't really fucking matter? Was it that I ended abruptly and didn't bring closure to my post?
My point was still relevant. We don't want an increasing population in America don't we? Oh, I remember... you were the one who posted a thread about how we shouldn't worry about Global Warming, but over-population instead. You and you ideas of banning guns, no it's stupid and impossible.

Oh, and do please point out all of those grammatical errors you speak of
You have just proved your stupidity by asking me to point out your grammar errors. You fail.

you're just a fucking idiot who wishes he was a grammar Nazi
I love being a grammar nazi, it pisses people off like you. Also, you're being a hypocrite for saying that. Good Job, idiot. :Y:

At least there's something that you were able to understand from that. Perhaps you're not a complete fuck-up.