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Thread: Some DOD basics

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    Some DOD basics

    Note this isn't an article, just an informational post. If you feel I missed something important or said something wrong please feel free to tell me and I'll fix it.

    Some of you were asking for an article, well this isn't one but it will be informative for anyone new to the game.

    Control Points

    Most maps have control points and to capture them it's as simple as standing there and not getting shot. Some points take less than a second so you can just pass by them to cap it and never stop running while other points may take up to 5 seconds or more. It's good to try and memorize which points take a long time to cap and which ones don't. The capture area is also really small on some points making you have to stand right on the flag making you easy to shoot.

    Other points, usually the middle points, take up to two men to capture them and these usually take too long and leave you in the open. Just find the best cover you can or run around trying not to get hit BUT STAY ON THE POINT! First team to capture all the points wins. And pay attention to the tray at the top left, it shows you who has what flags. When we play on TTP we generally refer to points as first second third mid point etc. This is where you need to pay attention, If we say their second were referring to the enemy second not ours. It helps to look at the top left tray whenever you see a change so you know whats going on. The names of the points are too hard to really remember so refer to them as our first their first etc.

    Bomb Sites

    Thats not really the name of the game type but these are pretty different from normal points. You HAVE! to pick up a bomb at the designated areas for these maps so you can blow up the sites. Run up to the yellow outline of the bomb on the site when you reach it and press E to plant it. It takes a few seconds to plant and some agonizing amount of time to explode. Depending on the map the offense team has so much time to blow up all the sites while the defense team protects them. Some maps will have both teams trying to blow up the others equipment before the enemy blows theirs.

    On offense/defense maps you get bonus time for blowing up a site. Some sites you'll have to use two bombs on some only one. The more bombs it takes the more extra time you get on the time limit. The other team just has to hold out long enough for the timer to die. Here you'll need to try and remember some names since we'll use names like the half track or the tank. You can tell which one is the tank by the icons in the top left but if you can't tell what some others are always feel free to ask anyone on the server. Under the site icons will be tiny dots that display that sites lives or something like that. It's just how many times it needs to be blown up since tanks just seem to stubborn and need two packs of highly explosive dynamite to be blown up completely since in-operational isn't enough.


    This is a good explanation for all the classes for both sides and their balances.

    Quote Originally Posted by Glock

    The Axis rifleman uses the kar, which is a bolt-action rifle with a 5-round clip. It can potentially kill someone in one shot, and it at least feels more accurate than the garand. Its main drawback, of course, is the bolt-action part. If you're attacked in close quarters, you better pray you get a good shot off or their aim sucks. The rifleman class doesn't come with a pistol for close-quarters protection, so it's definitely best off at medium and long ranges. The Allied rifleman uses the garand, which is semiautomatic and has an 8 round clip that can't be reloaded. The garand does less damage per shot, and may or may not be less accurate, but fires much faster than the kar, which means that you're less vulnerable in close quarters. This is balanced - the rifleman is a class designed for medium or long range combat, and while the two sides are different in some respects, the class plays out pretty much the same for both sides.

    The Axis assault uses the mp40, which feels a little slower but a little more accurate to me. It has a 20 round clip. The Allied assault uses the thompson, which feels a little faster but less accurate to me. It also has a 20 round clip. Both assault weapons have low recoil and rapid rates of fire, making them very effective in close quarters. They're marginally effective at medium ranges and useless at long ranges. If you ambush a rifleman or sniper up close, you're probably going to win. If they catch you at a long range without nearby cover, you're dogmeat. This is balanced.

    The Allied support uses the bar, which seems a bit more accurate than the mp44, but has a 20 round clip. The Axis support uses the mp44, which uses a 30 round clip, but feels a bit less accurate. The support guns are effective at short and medium ranges, and nominally long range using the single fire option, but have a much higher level of recoil when compared to assault guns, which makes using them full auto riskier. The support gun can be effective at most any range, but it's at its best at a medium range, since the high recoil can make close range full-auto accuracy suffer, and the single-fire use is inferior to riflemen at long range.

    The Allied sniper uses the spring, while Axis sniper uses k98scoped. I can't tell any functional differences between the two. Both are bolt-action, both have a 5 round clip, and both are generally a one-shot kill on most body areas. Snipers are specialized for long-range, though they're capable at medium range as well. They're much less mobile than riflemen, since using your scope greatly impairs your movement, and you lack a crosshair when you aren't scoped. To help compensate, they have a pistol (but no grenades) for close range protection, though pistols are fairly inaccurate.

    The Axis machine gunner uses the m42, which has a very high rate of fire (and is thus prone to overheating) and has a large 250 round magazine, but it's somewhat inaccurate and has a slightly longer setup time. The Allied machine gunner uses the 30cal, which has a smaller 150 round magazine and much lower rate of fire, but is very accurate and is not capable of overheating.

    The Axis and Allied rockets are identical with their rockets - both do immense damage on location, but both have a single round per "clip", and both are very vulnerable while deployed. The Axis rocket has the c96, which is an automatic pistol that's very effective at close range, but is somewhat inaccurate. The Allied rocket gets the m1carbine, which is a semiautomatic rifle that's very effective at medium range and capable at long range, but suffers somewhat in close range, being semiauto instead of full auto.

    Moreover, each of these classes are partially able to become a different class by simply picking up a fallen enemy or ally's weapon. A rocket can ditch their rockets and pick up a rifle or assault gun and play similar to that class, only lacking specialized things like grenades.

    It's usually said that the best starter class in the game is the Assault because of it's low recoil and high attack power. Some kits like the MG are not to be used unless you know what your doing. Learn the good spots to place an MG since a good MGer that knows what he's doing and where to place can really change the tide of battle, and being that MGer who sits at first point all day is not how it's played. You need a good balance of assault and defense as it works good for both.

    This is all I've got at the moment and I hope it helps out those of you new to the game. If someone has a nice list of the maps (since I can't remember all the names) Could you please post it or send it to me so I can put it here? Also feel free to post anything that you think should be added and I'll add it. If you want to be good at the game go out and play, these are just the rules. You won't get good by reading my text all day now will you?

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