The setting: myself along with Alundil, JB, and various other friends are currently in an alliance named Shadow Cartel. Shadow Cartel has had a long running rivalry/war with another low sec alliance named Snuff Box. For "World War Bee" both alliances set aside their many differences, and worked together to help exterminate the goon menace. This all changed on April 24th when Snuff Box decided to betray our trust and kill a titan and 2 supers we were moving back home. The war was still ongoing at this point, so SC just waited for the opportune time to exact revenge.

One great, for us, side effect of the blue on blue violence was that Snuff lost 4 of their US/AU time zone corporations. These 4 corporations formed a new alliance, Escalating Entropy(CHAOS). CHAOS and SC are not blue to each other, but both had the same goal of removing some of the smug from Snuff.

Fast forward to Sunday night. SC planned a trap for Snuff, but their spidey senses were tingling, so they didn't take the bait. Some friends that were planning to spring the trap ended up doing something else while SC started reinforcing a Snuff POS. With the threat of escalation from other groups now diminished or gone, at least in the eyes of Snuff, they decided to pounce on the SC cap fleet. Snuff jumps in not only sub-capital and capital vessels, but also 12 super-capital ships. The SC fleet commander immediately starts poking all of the friends we have to join the battle. One thing that helped SC and friends is that the Snuff fleet had to bring their fleet into the neighboring system, then jump a stargate to the system SC was in. In doing this one of the Snuff supers bounced off of the gate, instead of jumping through it, and was caught by a CHAOS pilot.

With their friend tackled the Snuff fleet warped back to the gate to jump back and save him. As this was happening more and more friends began piling into the system smelling blood in the water. First a Hel died, then 2 Nyxes. By that point there were so many hostile entities in system that all hope was lost. SC, CHAOS, and all of their friends, all of whom were part of the coalition working together to kill goons, brought a total of 667 pilots against 109 brought by Snuff, and their only remaining friend, RDRAW. The final butcher's bill was 143B lost for the SC side, and 376B lost for the Snuff side.

While the numbers may seem somewhat painful for both sides the SC and friends side only lost sub-capital and capital ships. Both of these classes can be insured, so you receive some of the lost isk back from the game when it dies, and also only take at most a week to rebuild. On top of that SC, and many other alliances, have a cache of capitals for moments such as this. On the Snuff side their 10 supers, the bulk of their losses, can't be insures, and can take a few weeks to replace. Snuff for sure has the isk reserves to assist the players in buying new supers, but it is still a somewhat staggering blow.

The battle report.