Greetings mortals!

I wasn't always a DoTA Allstar. Years of practice and contemplation have gone into cultivating my current skill level. I am enthralled by the extremely competitive nature of DoTA and Counter-Strike; personal skill and teamwork are the determining facets to success in these games.

I wish to discuss a few fundamental aspects of DoTA that seem to been forgotten my many players. People are too often tempted to ignore fundamentals in pursuit of seemingly more rewarding prizes. DoTA can easily tax someone's attention span, but it is vital to be fully aware of the minimap (and the information it provides) at all times. The first 10 minutes of a DoTA game could be argued as the most important because it sets the pace and quality of what follows. In the words of Leoric the Skeleton King, "Well begun is half done".

A question that will arise for every player in a game destined for failure is, "When should I stop trying?" In short, never. Persistence is an undersold virtue. I have witnessed some logic defying DoTA comebacks in my time, some of which lasted nearly an hour and a half. This is evidence that the enemy team is prone to making mistakes like any group of humans, and that perhaps people DO learn from their mistakes. I've considered the attitude of those who seem to honestly believe a game is doomed by 20 minutes. My conclusion is that these rash claims are lacking in comprehension and reveal how insecure someone is in their ability to play DoTA.

To be continued...