How Crytek hired the ex-Vigil team (and formed a new studio) based on one meeting | GamesBeat

If you aren’t aware of the specifics, on Jan. 23, the Bankruptcy Court of the District of Delaware held an auction to sell off pieces of publisher THQ to the highest bidders. Darksiders developer Vigil games received no bids and by Jan. 25, THQ shut down the studio and let everyone go. Then, on Jan. 28, Crytek announced that former Vigil lead David Adams would run Crytek USA Corp. as CEO and would bring on the core members of his team from that now-shuttered studio.
How Crytek hired the ex-Vigil team (and formed a new studio) based on one meeting | GamesBeat
Vigil Games was responsible for the Darksiders games.

But wow the long "ex-empl" comment....