If you like adventure games, worth checking out. Its $2.49 til the 29th (if I read right), which is a pretty good price I'd say, figure about 8-10 hours of play. More probably if you try to get 100%, less if you don't suck at the puzzles as bad as I did xD. Still heard others say its in that range so good enough.

Anyways, it is a sci-fi point and click adventure game. One of the great things about it was the fact that none of the puzzle solutions ever made me think, "how the hell was I supposed to get that?!" In fact the few times I got stuck, the answer was obvious and I just totally missed it, or I didn't find an item I needed for it. In mentioning that, don't worry it isn't a pixel hunt adventure game either, I thought everything was pretty easy to find if you looked around, and it will tell you when you are over something, so you don't have to click everywhere.

Story wise, the 2nd important part of an adventure game (to me it is most important, to others it is puzzles), I thought it was decent. It didn't really grasp me, but I also didn't think it was awful either. it was a decent little story with a few twists (I didn't expect any of them), but feels it lacks something to make it "pop." I'm hardly a good judge of story granted (usually stories have to be awful for me to hate them), but still. I think part is you don't feel as connected/concerned for the characters, due to the short back stories for each (in some cases its nothing really stand out either). I thought the pacing was a bit fast likewise to be honest, it was slow at first but really picks up, almost too much.

Graphics are old school, to sum it up. They don't hurt the experience at all, and much better then poorly done 3D. I really didn't find myself bothered by the graphics, despite the old school style, at all.

Voice acting is something I can't really judge. I didn't have too many problems with it, just here and there. Sound wasn't anything to write home about, but didn't need to be either.

Not sure where else to go with this, but pretty much it was a decent to good indie adventure game. Worth trying if you like point and click adventure games. I can't see someone who isn't a fan of the genre enjoying it, since the story isn't gripping enough. It is refreshing to play an adventure game where the puzzles are LOGICAL, to the point you feel like the idiot for not getting it, instead of trying to figure out why the hell you would combine a cup with a CRT monitor and attach a pulley to it.

All that said, anyone else played it yet? Be interesting to here thoughts. I know AG loved it, and seemed much of the community did as well. Don't quite get the massive love, but it is good.