It's up right now on Steam and free to all - go getchu some!

Initial Thoughts:

- The game runs like crap. I had to drop to 1920x1080 from 2560x1440, lower the settings, turn off a bunch of effects like motion blur, and I still was only able to get about 40-50 fps. I sure hope that they just pushed it out with a framerate cap or a console-like build or something for the beta because there's no excuse for a modern PC game, especially one like DooM, to run this poor. Shoot, I can push ARMA3 on ultra settings at 1440p to 100+ fps and that's gotta be the most demanding game I own.

- The levels are pretty decent (only 2 so far that I've seen). Decent room to run around, a good bit of verticality to vary things a little bit. There are some natural choke points but for the most part things seemed to flow pretty well. The maps work well to accompany the player movement. Double jumping and jet-packing to higher places feels pretty intuitive and given some sweet opportunities to drop down on unsuspecting enemies.

- The gunplay is pretty solid. I found myself favoring the super shotgun more than anything; it does poor damage unless you're practically touching your opponent with it but the hallways and level design make it easy enough to get up close and personal.

- Maybe I was just zoning out...but it seems like the game was missing a good portion of the audio. I mean I heard the gunshots and whatnot...but there was like zero ambient noise whatsoever. If I wasn't near any enemies and there were no gunfights nearby, there was no sound. No lava boiling or pipes or anything; it was very strange, maybe I hit a bug?

- The game is fairly quickly paced, classic shooter controls and movement. I've been playing alot of UT4 lately so this felt a wee bit sluggish. I kept wanting to hit 'shift' for sprint but then would realize I was already going full speed. It wasn't bad by any means but I felt a deep urge to go a little bit faster.

- Overall, game is pretty fun for what there is. I'm deeply troubled by the game's performance and hope there is a reasonable explanation for this because a modern game, especially one from id, that's about to release in a couple of weeks in this state is deplorable. Rainbow 6 Siege and the Division from Ubisoft ran better in their alpha tests than DooM does in it's current state.