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Thread: TS Server Down?

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    I would actually like to see longer sections in each you actually go through a whole town before you get to the first safe house

    and more finale scenarios at random times.

    Loads more zombies spawning would be nice.

    and levels definatley that are outside! hate being indoors!

    Valve should employ some of the mappers that make makes for Unreal Tournament. They have over the years made some very very good maps!

  2. Just getting started
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    Map name: Shops of horrors
    Tag line: Shop till you drop....
    Description: The Survivors start out on a highway(chapter:The Road) with their car blocked by abandoned cars cluttered on the road(some with active alarms)just a few miles from the city, they fight their way through the highway checking gas stations for supplies before making it to a safe house. Then they fight their way through a city(chapter:The City) which at one point leads them to fight their way through an apartment building before taking refuge in an outlet mall safe house. The survivors fight their way through the destroyed Outlet mall(Chapter:The outlet) before taking refuge in another safe house. Then they make their way to a even larger mall turned Military refuge center(Chapter:The super store) also coming across a Crescendo event in Which they have to open an Fire door to get into a safe house. They then radio in the Army Outside the mall next to a park/recreation center to await a copter rescue.(Green park finale)

  3. On the way to greater things
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    Red face Its long, you have been warned

    Dount anyone will read this in its entierty but here goes

    Map name: Martial Law

    Tag Line: The soldiers got a taste of blood, to bad it was theirs

    Description: The map would begin on the outskits of the city infront of a sign that says "Military Checkpoint Ahead"

    (Level 1: The Checkpoint). This first level would start off on a large straight road, with corn feilds on either side (with fences the infected have to climb over of course). The road would be litterd wit hvehicals going both ways, some flipped, turned on the side, some car accident wreckege and of course some would be on fire (some would have car alarms). The survivors would cautioulsy have to travel up the roads and through the wreckage until they finally got to the checkpoint. The checkpoint itself would be square in shape, with possibly a guard/sniper tower or two, it would have fences around it from the edges of the roads around its entire perimeter (along with sandbags and what not). On either end of the checkpoint would be large steel doors (the side to the road would be open, the side to the city would be closed. These gates would be the ones from the "Stonewalled" map) Inside the checkpoint there would be a number of millitary vehicals and weaponry (small arms and mounted weapons). The survivors would have to hit a switch to close the first gate, then hit another switch to open the next gate (during this time they would have to defend against waves of zombies). Oncer the gate leading to the city was opened there would be a medical type tent with the saferoom door, this would be the end.

    (Level 2: Is any one left?). After leaving the tent the survivors would enter the city, soon finding a small abandoned defensive position with a radio, the radio would say somthing along the lines of "All remaining units, I repeat all remaining units fall back to the city library, there's to many of them, you must pull back to the library and defend until you receive further orders. Over". The survivors would converse shortly about going to the library and then they would be on their way. They would have to fight down several streets, a few alley ways and even through some buildings to get the the library (this would be an extremley open map with 1-3 different ways to reach the library if possible). The streerts would be litterd with military grade and civilean vehicals, as well as civi/military bodies and weapons. If possible I think it would be cool if gunfire could be heard throught the level, giving the survivors hope that some soldiers are still alive.
    At the end of this level, infront of the library there would be a blockade made of vehicals (you cant jump over them). In the middle of these vehicals there would be a big stack of wood which would need to be blown up (like in the Dead Air campaign). Once this is blown up and ungodly amount of zombies would charge the survivors who have to run "like hell" up the steps of the library to the entrence (which would be the safe room). Along the way there would be sand bags and soldiers bodies/weapons to prove that a fight had happend at the library (some of these soldiers can rise up like we see in the campaign to attack the survivors).

    (Level 3: Full Scale Retreat). The survivors have reached the library, only to find it to have been overun. They'd enter the library seeing the remnants of the soldiers who had fought there and they would find another radio (small walkie talkie radio), the radio would say somthing along the lines of (With this radio quote I was torn between an airfeild or a news station, but i decided a news station would be better suited, but I fear it would be to much like the end of No Mercy, if any one agrees its to much like that I can change this to suit an airfeild/other pick up zone) "The library has been overun by the infected, all units DO NOT go to the library! The last transport helicopter is coming to the C4 news station, all units make your way there asap! As soon as the bird has cleared the city the jets are going to level this place! Get to the C4 New station now!". The survivors will then have to make their journey to the news station, fighting their way through the library (the library would be atleast 2 levels high, and maybe have a wich or 2) and out the back door that would lead to several back alley ways. When the survivors open the door however an alarm will be sounded and several more zombies will attack After the battle with the horde of infected the group will continue to travel through the alley ways, along the way on gun fire would be heard and trucks would pass by in the streets (which the players cant reach due to fences). After the survivors exit the alley way phase they will have to cross a 4 lane street (filled with cars/wrecks and what not) to get the to the news station. At this point a tank (or 2) would attack the group as they began to cross the street(There would be a military truck or 2 with miniguns mounted). After they succesfully defeat the tanks (or run for it) the group will ented the news station and the safe room.

    (Level 4: Freedom Bird) The survivors have enterd the news station (its simmilar to an office building, several cubicals and tight stairways) The power is out inside (pitch black so flash lights would be a must). The survivors will have to very cautiously and quietly make their way from level to level of the news station until they get close to the roof (cautiously because there should be which's randomly placed to give it a horror movie life or death feel). Now when the survivors get close to the roof the helicopters rotors should be able to be heard, along with very large amounts of gunfire, and upon reaching the level below the roof top helicopter pad they should find another radio and the transmition should say somthing along the lines of "We're running low on ammo! They just keep coming! I dont know how long we can keep them back for! If your still inside get up here now! Their swarming us!".
    When the radio transmition end (this should be on the staircase btw) a large horde of infected should come charging up from the lower levels, promtping the survivors to pick up the pace. Now when the survivors finally reach the helicopter pad they should open a door far away from the helicopter itself, and rushing to the pad should be several more infected. The survivors will have to run for it or be quickly consumed. There should be plenty of fallen soldiers along the way and on the helicopter pad itself.
    The campaign would end with the (green) Huey helicopter lifting away from the roof top just as a large amount of infected (any type, regular, tanks, hunters etc etc) swarm the pad.

    How it fits in Storyline: Since the story is based on the zombie apocolypse, its more then likely some cities went under martial law, even if these cities where all completely overun theres a good possibilities survivors would go to these areas for equipment (weapons, radios, food etc etc) and that some soldiers would still be held up in them and trying to get a grip on the situation

  4. Junior Member
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    JokersWarPig, I read it.. it's nice and well thought out campaign! I especially like the pitch black office building.. I can see panic setting in after a few minutes of trying to move around in that part.

    For my idea:

    Name: Destiny City

    Tag Line: Only you can choose your fate

    I don't how big of a map you can actually make, but my idea would be a HUGE city type map. This map would have many streets and alleys. Also there would be many buildings you could go into, maybe even some sky walks connecting some buildings. Fire escapes all over the place so there are different ways you can get into different buildings. Some places were you can go from rooftop to rooftop. Also, maybe a few subway tunnels underground, leading to different parts of the city.

    My idea, would be to start out on one side of the city.. maybe on the outskirts with a sign denoting the city's name and population (of course there would be graffiti crossing out the population number or something). On this sign would be a map of the city and some kind of military quarantine notification and points on the map where safe house are set up. It would also show that there is an evacuation point set-up on the other side of the city.

    This whole campaign would be like an open world, where there is no "set course". The survivors would have to choose which safe house they are going to head to. After each safe house lull you would just continue on through the city to make it to the other side, going from safe house to safe house, choosing your own course. In each safe house would be a copy of the original quarantine map so you can plot your next move.

    Once inside a safe house, it will "reset" any safe houses you have been to before, so you could go backwards if you like (or if you get lost and find yourself going in circles and find yourself at an earlier safe house). Only the safe house you just left after a lull would act like any beginning safe house on the original campaigns (in other words., it wont trigger a lull and reset your health and health packs if you re-enter it).

    Or, for the more adventurous, you could try to make it in one shot, straight through to the other side (of course this would be near impossible.. but doable for a few elite players.. making it a whole new type of challenge.)

    Each area around each safe house would be a crescendo event, each event slightly different then the last, depending on where you went. Tanks, witches and hordes would pop up throughout the city as you progress.

    For a map like this, there would have to be some kind of "rule" programmed in that all the survivors that are alive must be in the same safe house for it to trigger a lull. Otherwise you might get some games where the party is separated and half the party might end up at one safe house and the other half at another safe house. (you can see how this would not work).

    The safe houses in this case would still keep infected out, but not trigger a lull.. making one set of people have to set out again to get to the safe house where the other set of people are, to trigger a lull. Or, you can just collect the health packs from the safe houses and forgo a lull and meet up and continue on. Only downside to this, other then being separated and easy pickings, is your health wont be replenished like after a standard lull. Also, if you choose this course, it wont reset any earlier safe houses, making you have to remember which safe houses you took supplies from and which ones you haven't.

    When you get to the other side of the city, there would be some kind of transport vehicle waiting for you... maybe on the other side of a swing bridge that you would have to make a mad dash for. Of course you would have to activate the swing bridge so you can cross and this would trigger an epic crescendo.

    I think a map like this would be playable for a long time, because there are no set courses. Each game could be totally different from the last because the co-op team would be making the choices on how they will proceed across the city. You could play many games and have each one different then the last. This type of campaign would take planning and great teamwork to get across.

    Now, is this even possible to do with the authoring tools?? I don't know, but I think it would make a great campaign!

  5. Zombie Rat
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    Hmm, since I'll probably never get around to making it myself, might as well throw out what I've come up with.

    Will 2 Survive
    Nowhere 2 Run -- Only 2 Fight
    (Working title... doesn't fit four survivor theme)

    The Overpass --> The Suburbs --> The Carpark --> The Woods --> The Airfield

    While being evacuated to Riverside by the military, survivors in a convoy encounter an infected individual who had gotten past the military's screening. He turns and begins infecting the convoy. To protect Riverside, then still holding out against the infection, the military bombs the highway your convoy is traveling on. As the only four who survive the bombing, you decide to head for Riverside anyway.

    After entering Riverside and discovering it has recently fallen to the zombies, you head west along the wooded train tracks through a rock quarry to reach a small airfield where the military is still evacing immunes.

    Map 3 (The Carpark) would probably be like Heaven Can Wait's map, so it needs more rethinking.

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