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Thread: MOVED: any ideas

  1. Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Verus-Amicus View Post

    Just a reminder the story is still going on and will be submitted on a twice a week basis come June - October.
    Ill even be adding some character art as an apology to everyone who has read "Are we Immune?" and has asked for more!

    P.S On a side note I got into The Winchester School of Art!!! (University of Southampton) hence why ill be adding the stories for when my current FMP is completed in June.
    Kool beans, I almost forgot about this xP thanks for the reminder, I'll be waiting for your submission.

  2. I've done my time
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    FINNALY the final exhibition of my work was yesterday, the turn out was awesome and the day went so-so. Of course Chaos theory set in when my work was hanged and I noticed a horrible gash across the core image of my piece . Ill probably try to submit as photo of my piece on a later chapter so you can all have a laugh.

    Again its been a huge project and delayed along with my lazyness the story by months, up siude however "Are We Immune" is really just a chance for me to practice and express some zombie plan logic in context to a situation. (See if you notice them all!) Although Ive been making tweaks to the story to make it less cliché without losing impact you guys will be the final judge of how well it worked. As always your constructive feedback is always appreciated and ill be updating whenever I am free. HAPPY READING!

    Chapter 12 – Travel plans

    We had been on the road for a few hours now, after Samantha spent most of the escape from the city expertly swerving and avoiding a large bulk of the chasing undead hoarde to preserve the cars engines from taking a fatal hit and consuming too much gore.

    That was a common misconception when the outbreak started too, many Americans (Rednecks I would have presumed) took it upon themselves to “Cleanse America” with nothing but their 4x4’s, most of them eventually getting too much gore in their engines grill and breaking down, only to be dragged then consumed in or out of their pride and joy, of course later people didn’t have any fuel to speak of which was when the looting panic started…

    Most of the trip since escaping from the corner shop was spent in awkward silence, open road, occasional swerve and many many trees. Steven occupied himself double checking our collective supplies, Samantha spent her time scowling, driving and snapping at Steven whenever he got too distracting. And Garrett was making himself busy cleaning out our guns, showing no outward portrayal of his now revealed secret. In all honesty I was petrified of Garrett by now, since the outbreak I’ve seen at least thirteen people turn, the inhuman spasming, gurgles growls shrieks that followed were more mortifying than the last. Each time they turned without warning, some I never even saw get infected. Others turned seconds after taking on a bite wound or when spat on. And the acts that followed have screwed me up. And I don’t care what you say; once you’ve seen a child eat and tear their weeping parents apart you WILL have serious problems.

    Garrett’s coughing brought me back from my daze, not a smart thing to be doing with a known infected sat next to you now I think of it.

    “I better fill you boys in on our plan while we still have the fuel to drive" Garrett started, not betraying the concern and fear he showed previously outside the car. "Now I don’t know what you boys had in mind when you were holing up in tha city back their but me and Sammy could use come extra hands when we settle up in Canada." Samantha in the driver’s seat scoffed, clearly she had a low opinion on us from the start her emotionless tone and the way she treated us (Being strangers) was clear she was suffering from some trauma too, maybe even her parents.
    Steven twisted towards the back so he was facing me and Garrett supporting a relived look “We would be more than happy to accept!” the promise of company and a half decent and plausible plan winning him over in an instant. “Good to hear it son! Now how are we doing for fuel Sweetycakes?” Samantha grumbled whilst looking at the fuel gauge and musing the numbers for a moment, “Got another 30 miles, we are going to have to stop around Grangeville for fuel. And incase you haven’t noticed the meatbags are picking up in number, so I’m pretty sure Grangeville is going to be a fuckin' cemetery by now.” Finishing up by taking a sharp swerve to avoid a few hunched over zombies gnawing on a deer of some sorts knocking Steve's head straight into the window.
    “Well then we better get ready” Garrett started repacking his rucksack with more ammunition than food. “And you two boys do the same, we want to be travelling light if we can help it, and just to make it all the way to a gas sta-" cut short by a deep bellow in the distance, our attention was drawn to the source of the noise, sure enough the yells and gruff bellows continued with the added sound of tearing and falling trees. Double taking to everyone’s face Samantha’s face fell as she addressed everyone in the car “What in Christ’s name was that?”

  3. Junior Member
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    Awesome read, but you're making me hang man, you're making me hang! I wonder if you've made the final chapter hang ;P

  4. Junior Member
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    Don't leave us hanging like that!!!

  5. Junior Member
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    So it's 2k12 now, I'm still waiting for your next chapter :P

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