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Thread: Warhammer 40K Dawn of War II

  1. Registered TeamPlayer PizzaSHARK!'s Avatar
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    Re: Warhammer 40K Dawn of War II

    I haven't played anything but 1v1 so far. I had bad experiences with "teammates" doing random 3v3 matchups in War3, so I'm hesitant to try it here. 2x Slugga and 2x Shoota gives you plenty of muscle for T1-1.5 harassment and allows you to grab and hold resources early and take advantage of the Orks' powerful T1 performance. Orks have a relatively weak T2, with the Deff Dread (and maybe War Trukk if the enemy is nothing but Guardians, Scouts, and other light infantry) being the only major thing there. Tankbustas and Lootas aren't bad, but you might as well just save the resources and tech straight to T3 and take advantage of the powerful Nobz and Looted Tanks.

    The Mekboy is definitely the best commander right now for most situations, but the Warboss performs respectably well if you can make sure he gets close and stays close... suppressing units are a pain for the Warboss, so a lot of time I'll swap a Shoota squad out for a Stormboyz squad if I'm running Warboss and I think the enemy might try to pull out Devs or Shurikens out on me. Warboss is useful almost entirely for the 'Ard Boyz commander ability... combine that with Waaagh!, the boss pole wargear, and maybe the hammer wargear, and your Slugga Boyz become damned near unstoppable.

    I usually buy up Big Shootas and Flamers for my squads while teching to T2 and start adding in Nob leaders after that, with Warboss/Mekboy wargear coming somewhere between T1.5 and T2 depending on how much Power I'm drawing in. I prefer to tech straight to T3, but sometimes I'll buy a Deff Dread or Tankbusta squad if I think the enemy will try popping early vehicles... Eldar really love those Wraithlords. If you do buy Tankbustas, you really want to try and hide them so that the enemy thinks you don't have any AV at all. Orks, in general, try to skip their weak T2 phase, so most players are going to assume you don't have much good AV. Nothing knocks the wind out of their sails like having their expensive Dreadnoughts and Wraithlords get plowed by that Tankbusta squad you had squirreled away somewhere.

    Orks probably have the strongest T1 now. Eldar and Tyranids have pretty solid T1 as well - Guardian squads are cheap and relatively powerful, and Hormagaunts are wonderful for swarming an enemy early on while you work on getting some Warriors into the field. Space Marines definitely have the weakest T1 - TacBlob gets dominated by a Deffgun Mekboy with some Stormboyz, and ASMs will just get plain overwhelmed by tech'd Sluggas. Space Marines do have a wonderful T2 and T3, however - early Razorbacks and Dreadnoughts can do some serious damage if you get them as early as possible, and Terminators are just plain brutal. SM also gets some really damned good heroes and commander abilities... in particular, the Apothecary's healing ability and ability to revive fallen allied commanders is incredibly powerful.

  2. Registered TeamPlayer
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    Re: Warhammer 40K Dawn of War II

    i could post a balance rant that could probably closely resembles an article on Relic's failures at multiplayer games in general, but I'd rather not spend half an hour or more typing one post (and getting all the references would be hell) so i'll just summarize it; Relic has an amazing ability to design intriguing SP games with interesting and varied characters and story sequences, as for multiplayer, it typically starts off good and gets worse as patchs come out, it tends to get really shitty around the time they release a new expansion, and ever since the original team behind company of heroes quit, the multiplayer balance team at relic has been extremely disappointing.

    With that said, I still want to like DoW2 and CoH they are both good games in their own right, and simple numbers and design conflicts seem to cause the most problems for relic, however if you want to play co-op dow2 sp i'll be up for that, But i have essentially retired from playing relic games beyond the first 5-7 patchs/first expansion.

    Obgliatory Disclaimerthe above is from a disgruntled relic fan, who has met some of the developers and been to their offices in Vancouver)

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