This is a game Ive recently become addicted to, and thought i would share it with everyone, if you already didn't know about it.

Stepmania is a DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) Simulator, where as it plays a lot like DDR, But instead of using a dance mat, you use your keyboard.

You download the game (Its a free download) And then you go and find the step files For the actual game play. They have a handy 'Song download' section on their website to help You out with that, and i know of a few that aren't on there anymore.

Most of the songs you get for this game are user created content, And the ones you get from the Download section are all very good. I myself, currently have 300+ Songs for my game (They come in packs of assorted sizes.)

I find this game to be a nice break From All the violence and what not, and i use it often to Cool down(That is, when i get mad)

Just thought id share this, as i find it to be a fun game.