so with most indie games, if i liek them i try to push it on you guys as much as possible

But if your a fan of Adventure games and have no played Culpa Innata yet, it IS WORTH IT. Go buy it, its probably still $9.99 in the Steam store and a very fun adventure game by my favorite turkish stuido (after playing the game) Momentum Studios.

The game is a little rough around the edges, the dialogue isn't the best, but it is still pretty good, minus a couple characters or so and the concept is interesting. Again its a first attempt so obviously some things aren't the best and also like i said the dialogue might be a problem for you, but it isn't that bad, its decent to good. Remember being turkish, they don't really use much (if any) slang within the game but not really a fault.

The good is the story, its a fun story based in the future and you have investigate a murder in what is supposed to be a utopia. Through the way the story takes some twists you don't expect as well as the sub story comes up briefly that really makes you O_o, quite unexpected and just great (IMO).

Don't worry it doesn't sit there and hold your hand either, you have to figure out the puzzles, you have to figure out what to say and what not to say or how to say it. You have to find the substory, figure out the next move etc etc. Without a guide it could take awhile depending on how well you are able to figure it all out. But it definetly doesn't try to make it easy on you.

Third it isn't the usual move a bit, uber long cutscene, move a bit uber long cutscene, etc etc. There aren't too many cutscenes and where they are, its done quite well and doesn't feel too out of place or over pushy.

Again i'd give an 8, and tell you it worth checking out for only 9.99

Plus the sequel comming up is looking and sounding like it is going to be awesome. Comming out so far sometime in fall of this year and you likely need to check out the first to really get into the sequel.

The sequel also will include Mona Mur and En Esch with the song 120 Tage in Russian and the 3d models of them perform it IN GAME

Anyways i'm done trying to push the game on you guys, now go buy it!!!!!!!!!!!