Surprised, there isn't a thread on this. Anyways anyone want to give the game a whirl? Its touted as being a blend between RTS, MMO, and Magic. Got it for free (i believe there is a free download as well) and going to give it a shot soon, hoping to see some other on there and maybe do a little PvP.

about the game:
There are a total of 200 cards available, almost equally divided between the powers of fire, frost, nature, and shadow. Players can buy and sell cards at an in-game auction house, using BattleForge Points (BF Points), an in-game currency. Players can also invite each other to conduct a direct trade.

There is a PvE mode (player versus environment) and a PvP mode (player versus player). In the PvE mode, players can complete missions. Some of these missions can only be played by 1 player, while others can be played with 2, 4 or 12 players. There are three modes available in missions: standard, advanced and expert. In order to unlock advanced and expert modes, players will have to complete the series of missions on standard mode first. The rewards for the missions are gold, card upgrades and PvE experience points. These experience points will increase a player's PvE level.

For PvP, players can choose between ranked and unranked PvP. Unranked PvP will not give any rewards, but can be useful for testing cards and strategies or for a simple, friendly match. Ranked pvp will give players gold, ELO points and tokens as reward. Gold and tokens can be traded for card upgrades, while ELO points will increase a player's PvP level.