If your using Starcraft on Windows 7 and getting a color issue, then do this!

Browse to folder with starcraft.exe in it.
Right click > new .txt file.
Paste this:
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
"D:\Program Files\Starcraft\Starcraft.exe"
start explorer.exe
Change D:\Program Files\Starcraft\ to the right directory on your computer.
Save with extension .bat instead of .txt (if you don't know how to do this, see below).
Right click > send to > desktop (shortcut).

To change extensions on Windows 7.

Open a folder, somewhere. (My computer is good.)
On the top left of the window, there should be "Organize v"
Click > Folder and Search Options.
Click on Tab View
You should see:
Files and Folders
Hidden Files and Folders
?Hide extensions for known file types (uncheck this box).
When you do that, you should be able to see file extensions, and be able to:
Right click > rename.
change the .txt to .bat!

And there you go. Hope this helps Windows 7 users with Starcraft color issues.