At level 100:
[img width=700 height=525][/img]

Just before death:
[img width=700 height=525][/img]

So many bloons :8

God the game gets so laggy at that point that it takes forever to do a round.... And those god damn BFBs...

Around the 90s they start just coming in waves 10-20 at a time. The last round I must have gotten 100 in an row, BFB after BFB.

To put that in perspective for some of the people who have not played this game before:
Every bloons spawns another bloon, that bloon that spawns another with varying difficulty to kill, more/less spawns per bloon, and speed down the line. But more or less the bloon chart goes like this:
BFB(Big Fucking Bloon)
4 MOAB(Mother of all bloons)
4 Ceramic Bloons
2 Rainbow bloons
2 Zebra bloons
2 Black = 2 Light Blue bloons
2 Pink(Really fast) each(So 4 pink in total)
1 Yellow(Less fast, but still fast)
1 Green(Continues to reduce speed to end)
1 blue
1 red(Average bloon that usually lasts 0.1 seconds in play)

I won't even go into how many bloons you have to pop with ONE BFB.... God such a spam fest.... But... SOooooo much fun.