I have to agree with salt I loved dragon age 2. Mind you I wasn't a fan of the original, and that's because I found the combat slow, and graphics abysmal. I like pretty things, and I like fast paced combat. In any case I liked the story, but what I didn't like was my choices didn't seem to hold very much weight. If I did something or not really only effected my team mates hating or liking me more. The story was very liner, and the romance stuff seemed like a after thought. I would have liked to seen maybe some dates, and other ways to interact with the person I was romancing. All we get is a sex scene, and confirmation at the end of the game very weak.

While the dungeon re hashing didn't bother me to much I really wished there was more to do than babysit my companions, and the cities problems. The mages vs non was great story, but since this game doesn't have multiple ending paths it really doesn't matter for end results like the bosses you face, and what happens to key characters. I think thats what would saved this game would have been multiple endings depending on your choices. Without it your on a railroad track with the only real choice being the very end, which only dictated which boss you would fight first.