So a few of us (3) have been playing this. Im wondering if anyone else cares to join us. Also, if a few more people join should we start a guild?

Just throwin that out there as even the F2P game has a shit ton of content and i have really been enjoying it. Im just shy of level 30 and have only been to the Wild lands. Haven't done anything in Connells valley or Kopshef Province yet, let alone the new 20 to 40 leveling area.

I have to say the game runs smoother than ever, all but one of the quest i have done went flawlessly. The PvP on the Tyranny server is prety good, not too much ganking and the general population seems cool. Hell, DJ Mr.White and i were ganking some level 25 last night and he ended up joining our group, we made such a good team we were taking on mobs a full 10 levels higher than me and 13 higher than the new guy.

If you played it before and liked it, i suggest taking another look.... and did i mention its FREE? There are limitations but even so, they allow plenty for a very enjoyable gaming experience.

So, anyone interested in joining up with us?