Anyone else playing it?

Its an MMORPG version of the original AOE. They've added some new stuff, new units but i find them well thought out.

Heres how they mmorpg'ed it: standard xp, leveling system. XP can be earned from quests, pvp, killing units/buildings, etc. Every time you level up you get 3 points to use to unlock new technology. For those of you who've played AOE, you start out as the greek civ with no upgrades and limited units, you spend points to unlock upgrades/units/stats in the game.

PVP will group you against players of the same level, so dont fret.

It is a free-to-play, if your looking to try it out, but its more of a trial, youll eventually have to spend the $20 to buy the greek civ. Theres only 3 civilizations so far, two of which you can buy and play (greek and egypton). Each civ usually cost's $20, but think of a civ as a class in a stanard rpg. I.e. you will not be switching between civilizations like you did in AOE, because you have to level up each civilization. And ya its $20 per civ, but fuck, standard mmorpg's are $15 a month, theres no monthly fee here. So your saving $15*12Months - $20/civ.

They seem to be releasing content regularly, there are a few microtransaction things available, but they are just stupid decorating shit (for your capital city) that you hardly need, like bushes, or statues, nothing mandatory aside from buying the civilization.

Furthermore, theres an item/equipment system, where you get/craft/buy (in game money, NOT micro-transaction) armor, weapons, items for your units in-game, which obviously buff's the unit's/buildings stat's. SO its not just leveling up, but also aquiring these items.

Theres loads of quests (pretty much pve or co-op vs env with objectives usually eliminate enemy), if your not too into pvp, or to get xp (quests seem the easiest way)

Personally i really enjoyed the original AOE (and HATED the later sequels), and i am loving this. The only two downsides i've found so far, is that its a mic$oft online-game thing, which uses the wanna-be-steam microsoft game system thing **something**-live... And the second, is the little noticeable lag in pvp/co-op, but i think that's because i am on an offseas server (you can transfer servers for free; server's as in realms on wow, or servers in L2), i had just picked one randomly when i tried it out, need to sit down and find one with players in the same timezone.

If you liked the original AOE and dig mmorpgs its definitely worth the free-download to try it out.

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