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Thread: Models for TTP gear

  1. Devious Tyrant
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    So here's one for you to think over..

    OK well I just thought this'd be a good place to post as m tryna get my head around whats happening.

    Anyway currently I'm single which is sorta by choice. The girl I like is my best mate and she doesn't want a relationship with anyone. She can't take knowing soemnelikes er.. it makes her feel bad, which I know isodd but thats the way she is.

    So yea she told me she wanted me to just be her friend.. like a brother to her and to find someone else for a relationship. So I tried.. but I cant go through with being with someone else I still have feelings for my best mate...

    Anyway a few things happened last night. I was supposed to be sorta going out with this other girl.. the idea was if I met someone else maybe my feelings for my best mate would lessen or something.

    But last night my best mate said she loves me and that she wants me but couldnt cus I was taken... and this morning shes gone back to being weird about it all.

    I know me and my mate are getting constantly closer. SHe doesnt wantm cus sh fears it could go wrong and shed lose me as a mate.

    So who thinks I move on and find someone else and who thinks I should wait and see if I can get my best mate?

  2. Devious Tyrant
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    So here's one for you to think over..

    Sounds like she has some issues to work out, and it's not fair that you should put your life on hold until she decides on what/who she wants...It seems to me that she likes the idea of you staying single for her...while she asserts the idea that you should find someone else...

  3. Devious Tyrant
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    So here's one for you to think over..

    That's tough. I tried the
    if I met someone else maybe my feelings for my best mate would lessen or something.
    thing once, didn't have the guts to go through with it though. (Glad I didn't now)

    I think you should decide based firstly on what you want. If your best mate is who you want, then you should move on. If the other one is, then stick with her. Also, your best mate's bf-history might be worth thinking about. Is she willing to wait, or will she just get someone else soon, and will she keep them for a while?

  4. Devious Tyrant
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    So here's one for you to think over..

    My best mate doesn't want a boyfriend...

    To be honest I usually understand why a person wants something, or is doing something, but I cant understand her.

    Shes telling me to go find a relationsip elsewhere, but that I should keep her as a mate.. she says Im like her brother.

    As for what I want.. I want my best mate to be my girlfriend.. have done for a while..

  5. Devious Tyrant
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    So here's one for you to think over..

    My advice is to say to her excately how you feel and get a straight answer from her, either you both agree to give it a go, or both agree to remain just friends. None of these mixed signals of "I love you" one day then acting weird the next. If you agree to give it a go then great, if not don't spend your life pining over one who doesn't want you, or hanging around for a one that doesn't know what she wants.

  6. Devious Tyrant
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    So here's one for you to think over..

    Irish is right, you 2 need to get all you're ducks in a row on this. Until you have a good discussion on this, it'll be a strain. My best friend and I have known each other for over a decade. We were lovers at one time but now it's different & more than that. We aren't lovers anymore but we do have an intelectually intimate relationship. I've moved her across the country and back again, and though it would sadden me to have her that far away I'd do it again for her. I lead an open life and potential lovers know that she will always be my best friend, if they can't handle that then they only remain potential.

  7. Devious Tyrant
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    So here's one for you to think over..

    I say your only 18 and there are TONS of single women out there...go out and test the will have fun doing it :Y: ...and she might not like the fact your out there having sex with others and come around....and if she doesnt at least your having sex right

  8. Devious Tyrant
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    So here's one for you to think over..

    Quote Originally Posted by The Dragon
    Irish is right, you 2 need to get all you're ducks in a row on this. Until you have a good discussion on this, it'll be a strain. My best friend and I have known each other for over a decade. We were lovers at one time but now it's different & more than that. We aren't lovers anymore but we do have an intelectually intimate relationship. I've moved her across the country and back again, and though it would sadden me to have her that far away I'd do it again for her. I lead an open life and potential lovers know that she will always be my best friend, if they can't handle that then they only remain potential.
    Yea.. thats sorta how we are, though I havent known her as long.

    Im kinda thinking if I had a girl there may be jealousy of how me and my best mate are.

    In all but physical things I suppose we are a couple.. if you all get that. So its like I think of my best mate as a sister, as thats the kind of closeness we have.

    I already know what Im going to do.. I just wanted to see what you guys thought.

    Lol and I know Im young and without big headedness I dont have much trouble finding a girl.. its just hard finding one that I like enough to remain interested in and that likes me enough to do same.

    Umm but I'll post a picture of my best mate if she doesnt mind, then you can see what I see cus shes shit hot... and naturally, a great person.. being my best mate though youd expect me to think that eh?

  9. Devious Tyrant
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    So here's one for you to think over..

    If you decide to find another lover and keep her as you're best friend you'll just need to be open about it with potential lovers. Yes you'll loose a few that don't understand/can't deal with it, but then, they probably weren't worth it either. Communication is the key.

  10. Devious Tyrant
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    So here's one for you to think over..

    I agree on that, I mean its not like me and my best mate do much other than hug hmm...

    Oh well life is meant to be a bumpy road eh lmao

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