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Thread: Featured Squad Leaders / Featured Commanders Calendar

  1. Hi, my name is...
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    Ramps on both the APC and C130 are both problematic. If you attempt to jump on while the ramp is still opening then you can fall through. And Why-oh-Why do they not give you some fire support? Min crew on a C130 is 3 (pilot, co-pilot, engineer), so why not take a windo position and lay down some fire? Also the APC ussually comes equiped with .50cal turreted. That would FUBAR a tank instantly. :waves:

  2. Regular Joe Member
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    Yeah, those endings kinda are funny...

    One time in BH, I was rushing towards the APC, with the other 3 survivors already in, and I make it in the APC just as I hear myself get caught by a Smoker. Funny ending - The APC drived off, while the Smoker was being dragged across the ground with me inside the APC. And yet I was still alive in the credits. A second later and I would have screamed at the PC... Then in the Lobby, my teammates congratulate me on that funny ending and the guy playing as Smoker congratulates me too.
    "I hate stairs." -Francis
    "I hate elevators." -Francis
    "I hate Francis." -Me :locked:

  3. Senior Member
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    I always seem to get stuck at that load of crap apc in Blood Harvest. Freaking...>.>

    Other than that I get boomered here and there but the smokers always go for Louis so. =P

  4. Hi, my name is...
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    Man you wanna talk about getting screwed when the rescue vehicle is in sight? I was playing an Advanced game the other night with three AI bots, and two of them had died, so Louis and I are hauling ass up the ramp to the helicopter on NM. Just as I hit the big painted 'H', I get vomited on by a ninja Boomer, but I knew the door for the chooper was already open, so what do I do?

    I hold my breath and take a blind leap towards the chopper, just as I hear a Tank roar behind me, but I know I'm already safe...right? Oh no sir! Just before I think my feet should be hitting the chopper floor, I get cracked in the back by the Tank and go FLYING through the open door and out the other side, straight through the helicopter in one shot. Needless to say I was rolling with laughter at the perfect timing of the computer and my dumb luck.
    That is the single sadest and most hilarious finale death I have ever heard. Congratualtions sir, you win!

    As an aside to this a team player on NM the other night was inc'pd actually in the helicopter, in the passenger bay and thought they had escaped till the credits rolled and saw their own obituary. Maybe they died of blood loss on the way out?
    I remember when the Commodore64 and Spectrum were technological gods

  5. Boomer
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    Its your own fault many people make the mistake of running towards the helicopter,apc etc when it arrives.

    Stay in position and deal with the horde and tank and wait untill the rescue vehicle has come to a full stop and then move to it.

    This happens so many times on Blood harvest finale. APC comes and 3 survivors try run after it around the barn the horde proceed to hit them in the back causing them to stop they turn round and are surrounded by horde , pounced on , smokered and tank bashed. While im still sat on the ammo defending.

    People seem to lose all sense of gameplay and team work when apc arrives its like THEY MUST GET ON IT NOW OR IT WILL LEAVE. No people its not going anywhere be patient and move towards it slowly and defencively and you will survive.

  6. I've done my time
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    How about all of the NPCs jump on the chopper and when I'm about to jump on it... It flys away.

  7. Hi, my name is...
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    How about all of the NPCs jump on the chopper and when I'm about to jump on it... It flys away.
    That is such a sad story.
    I remember when the Commodore64 and Spectrum were technological gods

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