I'm happy she's gone. Truly, I am. Bhutto taking power would have been disastrous not only for the United States (which I find it ironic that we supported her), but for Pakistan itself. She may have control over the people, but what she doesn't (well, didn't) have control over was the military. Musharraf may not have the people's support, but he has the military firmly in his grasp. What does this mean? If Bhutto had taken power, her life would have rested in the hands of the generals. If at any point in time they felt she no longer represented the interests of Pakistan (which has happen twice; how many here knew that she was booted from the office of Prime Minister both times for charges of corruption? how many of you knew that her father, also Prime Minister, was executed for corruption and conspiracy to murder a dissident politician in his own fucking cabinet?), or theirs, they would have simply removed her. Furthermore (and frankly the most important of all), Musharraf has direct control over Pakistan's nuclear arsenal. So long as they are under his control, they aren't going anywhere. With Bhutto in power, that changes.

It surprises me that the Pakistani people didn't care for Bhutto's past. It strikes me harder that many of them complain that Musharraf is a dictator who has long exceeded his term in office, yet they want to replace him with someone who has already served the two-term limit. It's become nothing more than a shitfest with these people.