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Wasting Light(CD)

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Foo Fighters have a new CD out, and it's one of their best yet. The CD is entitled Wasting Light and hones in on the essence of Rock. The best way to describe the CD is "Your typical Foo Fighters CD, on steroids."

Not one song on the cd is even the slightest bit bad. In fact, all of them could be hits in their own right. The CD starts out strong with Burning bridges and Rope. Each with an intro that will be stuck in your head for weeks to come. Just when you think it'll die down, Grohl screams into the mic again, that slight reminder of Cd's past. This CD is loud, and its rock. It's everything you'd expect from a Foo Fighters cd with a twist of new.

The Foo Fighters went back to the basics and recorded the whole CD on Aux tapes in Grohls garage up until the point of post mastering. In a time of over saturated effects and auto-tune wannabes it's nice to hear a clean album for a change. They've released a Video for the song White Limo(below), a video that captures the Foo fighters in every way with tight 80s clothes to the crazy "out there" story they try to tell. The video, like the cd, is back to basics recorded on an old home movie camera complete with glitches at the bottom for your viewing pleasure. I expect more to come from the band that's known to make 2 or sometimes three videos from one CD.

Wasting Light is a must buy cd, from an already must buy band. If you like the Foo Fighters, then you'll love this album.

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    GrEEneyeS's Avatar
    i love foo fighters thanks dre.
    dex71's Avatar
    Picked it up a couple weeks ago, and lovin it.

    They recorded it in Grohl's garage, and I think that really adds to the tight feel of it. By far their best album yet.