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10,000th Post - and true to prediction......

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Quote Originally Posted by Alundil View Post
I missed it again, dammit!

This, this of all things was my 10,000th post

Sigh - what a waste. I had a huge speech prepared and was ready to go....then the teleprompter broke.

Anyway, I thought I'd offer some thanks and appreciation to this community. I've been here and an active part since mid 2007. I blame it all on Laggy for bringing me to TTP and getting me hooked into the community (and 2142, which occupied a lot of my gaming time until just a few months ago). I've made some great friends since joining here, some of whom I've even been lucky enough to meet and speak to in person. Yall know who you are. I'll not try and list everyone out. Just know that you've all had an effect on my life and my thoughts about life. That is a good thing.

I'd like to thank the members of the ][5th][ for the general level of awesome that they bring to any game/event. I'd also like to thank them for the camaraderie. It's been an honor to help steer this great group of guys (and a few gals) for a little over two years now and I am honored that they've placed faith in me to uphold our standards and act as one of the public heads (a la Cerberus) of such a varied and fantastic group. I look forward to many more battles in many more virtual fields of conflict.

For the rest of the membership of TPG and especially those in the OTS (and now the High Drama) forums, I value your opinions, especially when they cause me to think more deeply on my own. I 'argue hard', as do many there. I do not take things personally and am glad to know that most others do not either. Even though we may disagree (sometimes greatly) I love the exchange of ideas. The back and forth of logical ideas. The constant warring of thought. Good show and I'll be ready for more.


][5th][ Alundil

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Life , Virtual Life


    digital's Avatar

    Masterbate more or get a girlfriend for you spare time.
    Alundil's Avatar
    Dig - don't need to masturbate at all, and have the only girl I need already - but thanks (?) for the advice crude as it was
    Cyanide's Avatar
    Congrats on the 1,000 posts. :)
    Walkerxes's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Cyanide
    Congrats on the 1,000 posts.
    Ya missed a 0
    space.cowboy's Avatar
    Digital's just jealous he wasted so much time on WoW when he could have been posting here. Congrats Al.
    Aegis-77A's Avatar
    Grats Alundil, it's always good to game with you. You always bring a sense of teamwork, maturity and class.
    Alundil's Avatar
    Thanks Defiant.

    Space -

    Walker - I'd say I'll catch you, but I know better than that.
    Walkerxes's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Alundil
    Thanks Defiant.

    Space -

    Walker - I'd say I'll catch you, but I know better than that.
    hahah that'd be like me saying I'll catch Civil