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Woot, finished the code behind caching the cloud files inside downloads mod!

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QUITE sexy, if i dont say so myself. 300 lines... now the question is... Will it run without error? Let us find out

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    space.cowboy's Avatar
    I have no idea what that is supposed to achieve, but congrats!!!
    insanegammer109's Avatar
    My only guess is it has something to do with the downloads tab that used to be at the top...
    Keiron's Avatar
    Soooo...did it work?
    BigHub's Avatar
    Here, I'll upload some of my pr0n for ya'll to download... let's find out.
    ...bigdog...'s Avatar
    essentially, we'll be moving the sv_downloadurl files, TTP downloads (when we make that live) the log sync stuff, the topsites (maybe)...anything on "the planet" box, if you know that means. Should let us eliminate that monthly expense, and consolidate our assets on rackspace.
    Potemkine's Avatar
    hmm, have we thought about sync applications by chance? Set up folders that contain special information, backups, essentially. So that way, we all have a back up copy? Seems like a decent idea in theory. Perhaps this convo is better suited for a thread in the high forum :P
    B-@-n-@-n-@'s Avatar
    Ya bunni!!! carrot for you
    maximusboomus's Avatar
    Does this mean TPG can host new maps for L4D2 that we want to use?
    moving-target's Avatar
    this is all g(R)eek to me
    [CoFR]SirMoo's Avatar
    how much storage space is that?