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Is this overkill?

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So we have forums, and we have articles, but now we have added blogs too? Maybe it's just me, but I think it is overkill. What would you post to a blog that wouldn't be a topic or an article? I don't know that I really care about your life story, ask Dusty how boring she thinks I am on FaceSpace and I don't use Twitter, but even if I do care can't you just post a topic about it? Maybe it is just crusty old man syndrome, I am about to be 35 after all, like you care.

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Updated 05-27-10 at 09:11 AM by CivilWars

Life , Culture


    JBMCW2010's Avatar
    maybe the blog adds it so we can keep our own stuff in one place. instead of creating a bunch of threads in the forums that eventually fall off the face of the earth these will stay focused on ourselves or what ever material we desire to put up on our blogs. I think they are neat and while not everyone will or has to use the blogs I think those who will use them will enjoy the feature.
    space.cowboy's Avatar

    Perfect type of thread for a blog. Not something for everyone, but useful none the less.
    BlueMaxox's Avatar
    Old MAN syndrom? Why you little whipper to me when you get to be 56...oh wait...I will be 77 by then....and you still want have the old man syndrom in my eyes!

    *CHUCKLING at Civil big time!*
    Graverunner's Avatar
    Yeah blogs are great for those things that we want to post, but aren't really that important. There are so many threads in OtS that are just...something someone felt like saying, threads that aren't going to make it past a page and a half because there isn't really much to talk about. Blogs are perfect for this.
    bryn0202's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueMaxox
    Old MAN syndrom? Why you little whipper to me when you get to be 56...oh wait...I will be 77 by then....and you still want have the old man syndrom in my eyes!

    *CHUCKLING at Civil big time!*
    You tell him Blue. - you aint nothing until you're at least 50
    bryn0202's Avatar
    and I have to be honest, this is the first blog I have ever read or replied to in my life
    vafaskillz's Avatar
    I wouldn't have read this if it was an article...but a blog. Hell yes.
    Imisnew2's Avatar
    Brownie points to the first person who can tell me what "blog" came from without looking it up!
    shoi's Avatar
    i don't think they're overkill... it's not like they're in your face or anything

    people can easily post and read them as they please
    Red_Lizard2's Avatar
    I think having blogs are useful for thing that don't really make sense as a thread. Besides it isn't like you HAVE to read them
    Radarrat's Avatar
    Civil....this is way overkill...
    CivilWars's Avatar
    11 replies, hell yeah, I will be most popular blog in no time, LOL.
    WileECyte's Avatar
    blog is short for weblog.
    Keiron's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by vafaskillz
    I wouldn't have read this if it was an article...but a blog. Hell yes.
    I think that is a good way to look at it. Articles have a certain format that they must follow since they will be on the front page and have to have certain items.

    Don't get me wrong, I love the articles, but I'm not about to read every single one of them. Articles will help draw more people in as a whole since they will be on the front page. Blogs are meant to be more personal since as WileE said, they are web logs or web journals basically.

    For instance if I just want to vent about my day, I can do that in a blog without cluttering up the forums with seemingly pointless rants. I don't always feel like posting something in the "Man I really Hate it..." area so a blog would be good for that and only people who actually go digging a little to my profile will see what I have to say.
    Imisnew2's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by WileECyte
    blog is short for weblog.
    Brownie points

    And to civil- I thought the very same thing when we moved the first time... however, I guess we'll have to see where the community takes it.
    Radarrat's Avatar
    helping you become the most popular blog