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TF2: Ultimate Communication and Teamwork

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Im not the blogging type, but I felt this needed special mention for the sheer communication and coordination this took to pull off...

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    Watsyurdeal?'s Avatar

    Cheshire Cat's Avatar
    I was half-surprised we pulled that off, hence my laughter. Plus, the entire map had been lulzy, due to the fact we had been making class calls - (Gunslinger Engy, Heavy, Demo, etc.) - And then we put x5 on the point, while the five remaining Gunslinger Engineers held RED's attention.
    sM0Ke's Avatar
    it was the fact that the red team didn't know how to play that was amazing
    Interests's Avatar
    Such a glorious day... damn.
    Mr.Expendable's Avatar
    Well when the team gets unbalanced its always nice to do crazy stuff for the lols, i loved it
    Savage's Avatar
    haha sweet.
    kyle700's Avatar
    so that is what happened... I was playing Engi at the time haha