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First off, I use a G500 mouse. I got this mouse for the on-the-fly DPI settings. I have my mouse setting in Windows maxed out. I have SetPoint DPI settings set to 400, 800, and 2000. You want to try and keep your settings consistent throughout all of your games.

The first thing I can say about accuracy is practice, practice, practice. Practice a lot. I draw in AutoCAD almost on a daily basis. Snapping to the end of lines very quickly. I get more practice than most. This goes back to the whole thing about using the pinky as a controllable drag or break.

Find an empty server and pick a spot on the wall. Try to hit it with your favorite weapon. Start slowly at first and keep speeding up. This goes for my previous pro-tip as well. Sometimes, the hit detection is just awful on players. Their hitbox, for the most part, is behind them if they are moving. You will see blood splatter and not get a hit sometimes. This is because you hit the character, but missed the hitbox. Sometimes, you just have to aim to miss.

I do think that server "hiccups" can cause some awful hit detection for some players. I have had times where I could unload on someone with a full mag point blank and nothing. Other times I will shoot twice and it kills someone.

On a side note, some maps are one sided for the scopes. Nelson Bay for example. You can see from the US side to the Russian side just fine with no white out. Russians looking to the US side is another story. They almost have a complete white out. I guess it must be those American made scopes. Well, that is all for now. I hope I answered your question Scott. More to come at a later date. Time to go put these topics to use on the servers. Good luck and happy hunting.
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    Warprosper's Avatar
    I typically play with a lower sensitivity then most and I feel as though it gives me more control at a distance. I have the sensitivity settings in BC2 set at 44 with 800 dpi setting on the mouse. I up the dpi to 1200 when in armor but other than that i keep 800 for all fps games i play...
    SmokenScion's Avatar
    Do you find the same propblems on Nelson Bay Rush, when its Night?
    Mango_Attack's Avatar
    I also use the g500, interesting that you mention using the pinky as a guidance because I was playing CS:S just yesterday (tearing shit up ofc), and my pinky got stuck dragging on my desk. Shit happens. It's a good idea to be actively aiming where you're looking, so rookie mistakes like mine don't happen.
    Partyball's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by SmokenScion
    Do you find the same propblems on Nelson Bay Rush, when its Night?
    Not that I can think of. I normally only play sniper on the first set of M-COMs for mortars. After that, I typically play something more useful.
    Aegis-77A's Avatar
    Good advice, I've done the things you've mentioned and have dramatically improved my accuracy and reflex shooting.
    Stay thirsty my friends...
    SpecOpsScott's Avatar
    New mouse is on the list. I set my DPI to 900, gonna try that for a while. I was bouncing (from high to low DPI settings via the death adders shift on the fly button.... that does not indicate what setting i am using) around for a while and didn't realize the effect it was having. Perhaps playing with a more consistent DPI setting will help me fall into a better groove. I don't seem to have the hit box reg problem you described. I had an engagement with you the other night on Oasis conquest at A, and did exactly as you said.... totally because my aim was off on my end, but essentially, i was shooting just to your left as you were moving right, and none of my shots registered.

    I do need to change up my game a bit as my SPM has stagnated, so i'll be looking to get into the action a little more. Not so much in BF3 as i need to learn the maps, but certainly in BC2. Thanks Party!
    (2)manno's Avatar
    isn't the g500 the mouse that can't turn offe acceleration completely?
    REMY's Avatar
    I'll have to try this out, Thanks Party for the tips!
    PuppyF4RT's Avatar
    I don't understand what you mean by pinky drag or reference. All of what you said with shooting the walls I do with every game (especially the shotguns since the spread is different in every game). This pinky thing has me interested though. I use my pinky to grip the mouse (I'm on a CoolerMaster Sentinel). I use default windows DPI and my mouse is set to 1000 - 2600 (my default) - 5500.

    Are you setting the windows DPI to max for a reason? I think I override Windows settings any ways but I'm curious to see why you do it. Now you have 3 DPI settings: Windows, Mouse and the game itself. I usually supplement my windows DPI with the in-game sensitivity.
    Partyball's Avatar
    Just to get used to the fast mouse settings and being able to get on target with a high DPI. Using a lower DPI limits your snap shooting and speed.

    Using the pinky to drag the mouse pad as a drag or break. When you snap to the target it helps you stop on target. It is helpful for some. Others, not so much. I find it helpful with high DPI.