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New Year's resolution

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Yes, I know it is not even December yet, but I figured if I start now it will be a habit by January 1st. What is it you say, well isn't that obvious? It is only the most common resolution in America EVERY year, to get in better shape. My goal right now is to work my way into good enough shape to start Insanity. I started doing a body-weight workout today, and realized things are way worse than I had thought. It is a basic workout circuit that you are supposed to go through 3 times, and I made it through once and felt like puking and passing out, hopefully in that order to avoid a Hendrix. So now my legs are on fire, and my head is spinning, but I am happy to have begun.

So why am I posting this here? Hopefully you folks can help be my motivation. As a retired athlete, or was it mathlete, I am tired of being overweight and out of shape, but it is so much easier to post that do push ups, lol. I will keep you posted, and if you don't see an update from me for a while feel free to poke me to get back in the saddle.
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    DJ Ms. White's Avatar
    Probably my resolution, too. A med I was put on last May gave me the munchies something awful, by the time I learned to control it, I put on 40lbs. Definitely, don't like where I'm at either.

    Just remember to always have something on your stomach before you go workout (like an hour ahead of time...carbs). With the intensity of your workout, you'll faint with no energy in your body...a biological blue screen. Also, have a protein bar or something after the workout.

    I also recommend having an iPod with you. Either something you could mosh to/beat the shit out of someone/dance to. Music I could dance to is stuff I usually run listening to, while music I would mosh to is what I like to lift weights to.

    If you have the money, get a personal trainer.
    REMY's Avatar
    Civil, have you ever tried P90X? It's awesome. You get a personal trainer in your home with Tony Horton. It's hard work but it's worth it. I plan on getting back to it soon, as I have slipped a bit. My health is going to be #1 this year along with getting a FN job.
    CivilWars's Avatar
    I have the P90X DVDs, but have never done them. Insanity is made by the same people, Beachbody, but doesn't require weights, bands, or a pullup bar, and relies exclusively on body weight. Once I prove to myself I can stick with it, and finish Insanity, I will likely do P90X next.
    huh?'s Avatar
    I read somewhere that P90X didn't work. One lady watched the whole season 1 of P90X and didn't lose any weight. She hoped that next season will work better for her.

    JK. I have P90X as well, but I mostly just use it for the stretching and yoga as supplement to my normal climbing workout.
    CivilWars's Avatar
    Resolution day 3, workout #2. Completed one full circuit, so progress is being made.
    CivilWars's Avatar
    So after slacking for about 5 days I got back on the wagon tonight. Now just to do it again tomorrow.
    reject_wolf's Avatar
    never get a personal trainer, worse advice anyone could get with the availiblity of information on the internet and the meat head, bro science principles most of them use.

    keep at it, do it every day. make it a part of your life. i know you have a family to provide for but you gotta make time for yourself to stay healthy, im sure they will all respect that. remember losing weight is also about your diet. dont think about going on a diet, just change what is wrong with yours ie not eating enough meals, cutting down on net calories, avoiding pop/soda, getting proper amounts of dietary fats/carbs/protein.
    chray00's Avatar
    Good luck man
    SmokenScion's Avatar
    another 5 day break? Push ups in BF3 don't count.
    Merritt's Avatar
    Same for me, running or P90X in the mornings before work...damn this sucks!
    REMY's Avatar
    I say we have a little P90X contest full 90 days. Open to all and most improved wins. Voted by the members. But let's make it somehting good to win.

    We would datestamped current photo (not to be shown until contest is over). Then at the end submit the last photos to be published with new photo and put up for vote.
    REMY's Avatar
    Maybe we can Get Beach Body to pay for a video card to give away?